Part 12

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Part 12

Kimberley's Point of View

I woke up in the morning with Cheryl's arms protectively around my waist. I don't know how, but I had managed to cuddle into her when I was sleeping. Just like old times. I tilted my head upwards and saw that she was still sleeping, it was only nine o'clock I knew she'd be getting up in half an hour just like she always did. I carefully escaped her grip and walked out the room, making as little noise as possible. When I got downstairs, I went into the kitchen, flicked on the kettle and started rummaging around the cupboards, looking for something I could cook for breakfast.

I decided that I'd make pancakes for breakfast because I knew they were Cheryl's favourite. I turned on the radio and started dancing and singing away to it as I cooked. I didn't notice that Cheryl was standing behind me until she eventually spoke.

“Wow babe, you still have them moves don't you?” She giggled, making me jump. I turned around from the cooker and looked at her, a small smile appearing on my face. She looked so cute in her over-sized pyjamas and bed hair.

“Don't do that again, you nearly gave me a heart attack!”

“Sorry.” She flashed me a dimpled smile before I turned back around. “So what are you making us for breakfast?”

“Pancakes, your favourite.”

She squealed like a little girl and ran up behind me and flung her arms around my neck. “Cheryl, you're nearly strangling me.”

“Sorry, it's just that I've not had pancakes in ages!” She clapped her hands together excitedly. “Well, I did have them, but they didn't taste the same.”

“Right, well you go and sort the tea and I'll finish of making the pancakes.”

Cheryl busied herself making two cups of tea whilst I served the pancakes onto two plates. We both sat down at the table across from each other and began eating. When we had finished, Cheryl insisted that she would tidy up whilst I went upstairs to get changed.


I was watching tv in the living room with Cheryl cuddling into me. I had my arm draped around her tiny body and her head was resting on my shoulder, just how it used to be. I wondered if she missed this as much as I did. Just as I was about to ask her, her phone started ringing and she left the room so she could answer it. I could hear her in the other room, she was shouting and I knew something was wrong. I heard her go outside, she must be stressed and having a cigarette to calm down. I decided to go and make her a cup of tea for when she came back because I knew she would want one. I also grabbed a packet of biscuits out the cupboard, because if I didn't she would moan that there was none.

Cheryl came back into the room fifteen minutes later. Without saying anything, she sat back down and helped herself to a cup of tea and a few biscuits. I knew she was angry, so I decided to leave her until she was ready to talk. I didn't want to feel as if I was forcing her into anything.

“My management is freaking out!” She eventually said. I turned my attention from the tv and looked at her, waiting for her to say something else. “Craig phoned them and told them that I had left him and now they're telling me that I need to get back together with him.”

I tensed up at this point. I had left Justin because Cheryl was back in my life, I thought she had done the same by leaving Craig. I didn't want him back here. I wanted things to be like they used to be. Cheryl must have noticed this because she quickly explained herself further.

“But don't worry, I told them I wasn't getting back together with him. They can just work something out, it's not like he'll go around selling stories or that. Craig's not that kind of guy.”

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