Part 19

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Part 19

Cheryl's Point of View

I went down to the theatre shortly after Kimberley had left. I needed to be there for my plan to work. I also had to make sure that she didn't see me which was going to be difficult. Before I left the house, I put on a pair of big sunglasses and a hat. It was the best disguise I could come up with at so short notice.

I wandered around the theatre until I found the bit I was looking for, the dressing rooms. As tempting as it was to go in, I rushed past Kimberley's dressing room and found the one I was looking for, stopping outside it. I knocked on the door, taking off my glasses and hat as I waited for it to open.

“Oh, hi Cheryl.” Nigel, the man who was playing Shrek, greeted when he saw me. “If you're looking for Kimberley, she should be in her dressing room...”

“Hi Nigel.” I smiled at him. “It wasn't Kimberley I came to see. I actually wanted to talk to you for a minute if that's okay?”

“That's fine, come on in.” He opened the door wider and moved out the way to let me in. I sat down on one of the spare seats in the room and turned to face him.

“Nigel, I need your help with my plan...”


“Do you think that it will work?” I asked Nigel as I finished explaining it to him.

“Yes, I think it will.” He smiled. “I need to go now, but I'll pass on the message to the rest of the cast and I'll get them to keep it a secret from Kimberley.”

“Thank you so much Nigel!” I squealed as I hugged him. “This means so much to me!”

“It's not a problem, I'm glad I could be in on it.”

“I'll let you get on with rehearsals. Good luck tonight, and I'll see you later!” I called as I walked out of his dressing room.

Now that I had everything planned, I was definitely going to surprise Kimberley with my plan.

Kimberley's Point of View

I knew the girls were coming again tonight, but I didn't know whether or not Cheryl would be. I know I had upset her by saying no to her, but I don't want to be in a relationship if I have to hide it from everyone. I love Cheryl with all my heart, and I hate thinking that we would have to hide our love from people just because they don't like it.

Just as I finished performing the first song, I looked up and she was there. My Cheryl was sitting next to Nicola, smiling down at me. I knew she was proud of me and I was glad I was able to make her proud. Knowing that she was there, made me want to do better. So I put my all into the show.


As the curtains went up for the second act, I looked up to see if Cheryl was there, but she wasn't. She was nowhere in sight. I felt like breaking down into tears. I was worried about her, why would she just disappear like that? Was there something wrong with her?

Knowing that there was nothing I could do until the end of the show, I put on a brave face and started acting again. Wishing that the time would go by quickly so that I could find Cheryl and see what happened with her.


We were near the end of the show now. It was the ending scene which meant we only had about half an hour of the show left. I began to panic when Nigel (Shrek) didn't appear to say his line. All he had to say was “I object!” it wasn't hard. No one else on stage seemed to be bothered though, they all seemed really relaxed.

“I object!” I heard the line being yelled, but I didn't come from Nigel, it came from a little Geordie that I loved. I turned to see Cheryl storming on to the stage with a microphone. What the hell was she doing?

“Cheryl, what are you doing?” I hissed as the audience began to whisper and gasp amongst themselves about what was going on.

“I've came to stop the wedding.” She replied simply. By this time, everyone had gone back to being quiet. I looked at the audience, they were confused as I was, and then I looked at my cast mates who were all grinning at me. They were up to something.

“Sorry to interrupt the show everyone, but I have something important to say.” Cheryl addressed the audience. I could hear the nervousness in her voice, and as she turned to face me, I could see the fear in her eyes. She reached her hand out to me, and I took it, moving to stand by her side.

“Kimberley, this morning I asked you a very important question. I asked you to be my girlfriend.” The audience gasped in shock, but she continued. “You said no because you didn't want to hide our relationship, and I understand what you're saying. That's why I'm here. I'm here to tell everyone that I'm in love with Kimberley Jane Walsh and I don't care what they say or think about it. I know it's hard to trust me again Kimba, but please try. I love you so much and I won't ever leave you again. You mean so much to me.” Tears were flowing down her cheeks, but she wiped them away. “Kimberley, please be my girlfriend?”

She had done it, she had told everyone that she loved me and wanted me to be her girlfriend. She had made our relationship public, and I was thankful for that. Tears began to form in my eyes, but I blinked them back, I couldn't cry or I would have one major make up disaster!

“Of course I will be, Cheryl.” I hugged her tightly before pecking her lips repeatedly. “I love you so much.”

“I love you too.” She grinned, showing her dimples. “I better go now though and let you finish off the show. Break a leg!” She called as she ran back off the stage.

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