Chapter 13

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Part 13

Cheryl's Point of View

I paced up and down the living room, sipping my wine as I went. It was Saturday night and the girls were coming over for a 'girlie night' as Hillary had suggested earlier this week. I was nervous about them coming, I knew I was going to have to explain everything that had happened over the past year, and I didn't know how to do that.

“Calm down babe!” Kimberley laughed when she walked into the living room with her own glass of wine in her hand. “What are you so nervous about anyway?”

“The girls are going to be here in ten minutes, and I'm nervous that they won't speak to me!” I cried in panic.

“Don't worry about it, me and Nicola are talking to you and Nadine is getting there. It's only Sarah that's still a bit unsure about everything, but you know what she's like. Get a drink down her and she'll be fine!”

“You're not helping, Kimberley!” I snapped as I placed my glass on the table and ran my hands through my hair.

Kimberley got up from the seat she was sitting on and walked over to me, placing her glass of wine next to mine on the table. She stopped in front of me, opening her arms wide. I moved into her and wrapped my arms around her as I felt her doing the same to me.

“The girls will forgive you soon. If me and Nicola can, then Nadine and Sarah will definitely be able to as well.” She mumbled into my hair before kissing the top of my head.

“Kimberley...” She turned to look at me, raising her eyebrows, waiting for me to continue. “Kiss me to make my troubles go away?” I finished sheepishly.

Without hesitation, Kimberley kissed me. I felt her tongue glide across my lips and I parted them slightly, allowing her entrance. I let a moan escape my mouth as our tongues collided and started to battle for dominance. Eventually she won, but I didn't complain, I wrapped my arms tighter around her when I felt her bite down on my bottom lip. Just as I was about to take control, the doorbell rang, making us both jump apart.

“I'll go and get that.” Kimberley smiled shyly before swiftly exiting the room.


It was a rocky start to the evening with the girls, they didn't know how to act around me, but after a few drinks each everyone relaxed and was chatting away as if nothing had happened.

They had all been here for a few hours, and it was safe to say that everyone apart from me was drunk or nearly drunk. I had decided not to drink much because I knew that if I had to explain myself to the girls, I wanted to be sober for it. So far they hadn't asked about why I left and never stayed in touch, but I knew they would soon.

I watched Kimberley as she took a drink of her vodka and lemonade, she had finished drinking the wine a long time ago because her and Nadine had finished the three bottles they had. She was gorgeous, and she didn't even try. I loved her so much and I couldn't help but be angry at myself for leaving her. I was glad we were talking again and taking things slowly, as long as I was with her I was happy.

“So, Cheeeeeeeeeryl.” Nadine slurred. “Why did you leeeeeeave?”

I sighed, not really knowing where to start with my explanation. Kimberley reached over towards me and placed her hand on top of mine, squeezing it tightly. She knew I needed her support right now.

“Well, you know I had to go away to do some music.” When I had all their attentions and they all nodded, indicating that they knew what I was talking about, I continued. “The day I left, a few things happened, and I hurt someone badly. I was too scared to talk to any of you properly after that, I just couldn't bring myself to do it.”

“So you were a gutless chicken?” Sarah interrupted.

“Yeah Sarah, I was and I'm not afraid to admit that.”

“Look Cheryl,” Nicola spoke loudly. “I don't care about what happened in America. I'm just glad you're back!” She stumbled over to me and hugged me tightly. Soon enough Nadine and Sarah did the same.

When they all went back to their original seats, I looked over at Kimberley who was staring at me with a big smile on her face. She gave me a 'I told you everything was going to be fine' look before turning her attention back to the story that Sarah was telling.


After helping Nadine into her taxi, I walked back into the house and locked the door behind me. It was now three o'clock in the morning. The girls were meant to go home two hours ago but they had got distracted. I walked into the living room to find Kimberley crashed out on the couch. I smiled and shook my head at her, I had no idea how much she had to drink. All I knew was that when she woke up later in the morning, she was going to have one of the worst hangovers ever.

“Come on you, get up and let's go to bed.” I whispered as I knelt down by her side and shook her body slightly, causing her to move a bit. She opened her eyes and looked at me.

“Lift?” She smiled cutely as she raised her arms.

“Are you joking Kimberley?” She shook her head and kept her arms outstretched. “Fine.” I sighed in defeat. “I'll lift you this one time, but that's it. I'm never doing it again!”

Scooping her up in my arms, I began to walk out of the living room with her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled herself closer to me. I could feel her warm breath on my neck, sending shivers throughout my whole body. Soon enough, I felt her leaves small kisses on my exposed skin. I tried to ignore it, Kimberley was drunk and I couldn't take advantage of her, especially when I had promised her that we would take things slow. When we reached the bedroom, I lay her down in the bed before walking over to my suitcase and pulling a pair of pyjamas out of it. When I had finished  getting changed, I got into the bed beside Kimberley.

Just as I was drifting off to sleep, I felt Kimberley's arms wrap around my waist. She moved her body closer to mine so that they were touching and continued her attack of kisses on my neck, slowly making her way up to my mouth. When she did, I kissed her back gently, but when the kiss grew more passionate, I got so caught up in the moment, I started to kiss her back harder. She moved positions so that she was on top of me, straddling my thighs. She ran her hands down my body and stopped at the bottom of my pyjama top. Grinning mischievously, she took hold of it and slowly began to pull it up until it revealed my breasts. I felt myself blush under her intense gaze and I watched as she leaned forward and placed a kiss on each of them.

“Kimberley stop!” I commanded when I finally came to my senses. She moved from on top of me and sat beside me, looking hurt.

“Do you not love me?” She asked. I saw a tear roll down her cheek and after I pulled my pyjama top back down I wiped it away with my thumb.

“Of course I so babe.”

“So why did you tell me to stop?”

“Because, you've drunk loads tonight and we said we'd take things slow... I'm doing what's best for you.”

“I love you Cheryl.” She cried as she fell into my embrace.

“I love you too Kimba, now let's get some sleep.”

I lay back down with Kimberley cuddling into me. Soon enough, I heard her breathing slow and I knew that she was asleep. I kissed her head once again before closing my eyes and doing the same.

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