Welcome to Nightmare Land

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His voice taunts me as he circles the tree. I bite my lip, trying to make as little sound as possible. He chuckles darkly and a shiver travels down my spine, and not because of the cold, fall air. Just a few more minutes, I assure myself.

"You do know how many insects and other nocturnal animals are in that tree don't you? Especially at this time of night." he says. Right on cue something tickles me from behind my neck. I let out a small squeal in surprise.

He chuckles, anticipating victory. I look down at my watch.

One more minute...

"Come on. . ."He drawls.

Just when I feel like giving up and succumbing to him, my watch beeps. I let out a gigantic breath in relief. Diligently, I climb down from the tree, maneuvering myself carefully to land right in front of him with a smirk.

"I win!" I call out to everyone, pumping my arms up in victory, as Dem rolls his eyes.

"You hid in a tree for seven minutes; you have nothing to be proud of." 

"Sore loser!" Demi taunts her brother as she walks towards us. They are completely different, even though they were born on the same day. Demitra is bright and cheerful. She oozes happiness and optimism just about every hour of the day. You'd think it would drive you nuts, but Demi is just too sweet to stay mad at for long. However, Demitri is quiet and cold. He tends to emit this feeling of frigidness or just general indifference. He's not malicious, but he doesn't quite sing your praises the way Demi does. Stood beside each other, they're structures contrast as well. Demi is quite short with a thin frame while Dem tends to loom over everyone that he meets. Regardless, what makes them similar is that they both are always up for anything fun.

"Aren't we a little too old to be playing tag?" Mad asks in a dull voice. Madison is undoubtedly the dare devil of the group, and these little games bore her. Much of everything bores or irritates her, actually. She carries an aura of sarcasm mixed with dry humor around. I don't quite remember when or how we became friends, because I'm sure if this was an alternate universe, she'd probably hate us.  Despite her obscure bands, dramatic art, and overall mood of gloom she carries around- -she's still one of our best friends. 

"Well," Kellan laughs, whilst taking a sip from the can. "If you add the fact that it's midnight, we're surrounded by an ominous forest and have a few beers it actually becomes enjoyable." Kellan doesn't really do anything but make his humorous little comments and displays his courageous personality. He's your cookie cut out of the star high school athlete. He's brave, adventurous, and genuine. Why he didn't fall into the jock clique when we started high school baffles me. He is the perfect candidate. Nevertheless, I'm happy that he's with us. He makes our group whole. 

"Where's Dylan?" I ask, after mentally taking tallies of who was here. Despite us just hanging out, I can't help being worrisome. Its just in my nature.Dylan is the joker of the our group. He never takes anything too seriously. Not a moment after I spoke, he runs up behind Mad, Demi and I. His jacket is pulled up over his head and he is yelling. Demi and I scream in fright. I jump behind Mad as she punches him in the gut, obviously not amused or the least bit frightened. He curses and doubles over, holding his abdomen.

Welcome to Nightmare Land |Complete|Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant