Baby Burrito and Cereal Girl|9

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I remember the day we met you for the first time. Cas was so excited and nervous, his bright blue eyes shone with anticipation. We had only ever seen you in pictures and videos that the orphanage would occasional send us, so we really had no idea that we'd be adopting the sweetest little girl.

We walked along the halls searching for the room they had assigned us to meet you in. Cas squeezed my hand and I gave him a shaky smile. Honestly, I was petrified. I worried that I would ruin a poor child's life and Cas would leave me forever. But that soon all changed when I first laid eyes on you.

"Hello Mr. Novak and Winchester," the woman said in a soft voice. She held a small pink bundle in her arms, the bundle squirming fretfully. "here is Claire." She handed the burrito baby to Cas, who's eyes started to water. I stood next to him and he looked at me. He looked so happy and proud that I started tearing up. That's when I realized that I had a family.

I had a sweet angel for a husband and a small little burrito baby daughter. I didn't know then that my baby burrito would grow up to be a smart girl.

"She's beautiful." Cas whispered. He chuckled and kissed your head. "Here," he handed me the bundle, "hold our daughter. I need to sign the adoption papers." The lady and Cas walked outside and I sat in a chair.

"Hi baby," I murmured to you, "I'm your daddy now. You're gonna come home with me and your other daddy." You smiled and giggled, making me smile wider than I had already been. "You're my little burrito baby."

Someone cleared their throat and I looked up to see Cas laughing. I gave him a look and he laughed harder. His laughter died down after a few minutes and we took you home.
Oh god, you cried for everything. I'm glad that Cas is so good with babies. Cas always said I was dad material which made me smile.

Then the real test came, he went out for a work event and I was stuck at home. It was late, and you started to cry. I grab you from your crib and rocked you in my arms. Your small hands reached up towards my face and tried grabbing my nose. I laughed and gave you a kiss on the nose. I never knew that that would become something special to me. You stopped crying after that and put you back in your crib. Ten minutes later, the burrito baby cries again.

I stayed up till 3:00 am trying to please you. You finally fell asleep and I knocked out as soon as I laid on the bed. I heard the front door open and Cas comes in. He lays a rose on the kitchen counter and goes towards the crib. He lifts you up starts dancing around the room with you in his arms. I don't think he realized I was awake, but it was the best thing to see him so happy. You woke up and started crying so he starts singing 'Believe It or Not', the theme song to The Greatest American Hero.

"Dork." I mutter. I couldn't believe that it actually worked. You fell asleep instantly. I fell asleep too, my eyes closing and surrounding me in darkness.
Three Years Later...
"Daddy!" You yelled at four in the morning. "Daddy! Daddy!" I lifted my head to see my small daughter, her blonde hair a mess of tangles, straddling me and hitting my arm.

"Ouch! What?"

"Can you help me get the cereal down?" She gave me her 'puppy dog eyes' and I groaned. I rolled over to Cas and poked his side.

"Mhm..." He groaned in response.

"Your kid before five in the morning." I grinned. He gave me a look and got up.

"C'mon little potato chip," he smiled and held her hand. "let's go so daddy can get his beauty sleep." She giggled and they walked into the kitchen. I went to bed for another thirty minutes, then decided to get up.

I head to the kitchen to see you eating your cereal and Cas sipping his morning coffee. I grab a mug and pour myself some coffee before sitting down. You had Cheerios in your hair and face. I laughed and Cas gave me a confused look. I nudge my head in your direction and he starts laughing too.

"What's funny?" You asked and tilted your head. We were both laughing so we didn't respond. You reached into your hair and grabbed a Cheerio. You didn't seemed fazed by it, so you stuffed it into your mouth. "Daddy, what are you laughing at?" You were the weirdest four-year-old I'd ever seen, and I was happy that you were.

"How did you get Cheerios in your hair?" I asked. You shrugged and continued to eat them from your hair, which made me and Cas laugh even harder. "Let's go clean you up." I say between laughs. You nodded and hopped off the stool you sat at. Every time you took a step, a pile of Cheerios fell from your hair. It seemed to never end as you made your way to the bathroom. I look back at Cas. "Weirdo."

I hear you scream and I sprint to the bathroom. I see you in the sink giggling at your reflection. I roll my eyes and pick you up from behind.

"Daddy, look! I'm Cereal Girl!" You giggle and continue to eat. I laugh and nod my head.

"I thought you were my burrito baby?" I say with a frown. You giggle and shake your head.

"No, not any more. I'm little potato chip, you're daddy chip, and papa is papa chip." You gave me a toothy grin and lean towards the bath to turn the water on. "Bath, daddy! I'm little chip, not Cereal Girl!" You laughed and I gave you a bath.

Hi guys, please don't be ghost readers! I would appreciate some feedback and what would interest you in other stories. (Or this one?) Vote, Comment, Follow and have a good weekday! ~ V.

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