Family Night|12

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Weekends were always fun with you and Cas. I would always come home to find you two either playing in a fort made out of pillows or pretending the floor was lava. You'd always be on the same chair as him, all the others too far to reach, laughing and yelling as you almost fell on the floor.

"Papa I'm gonna fall!" You'd yell in panic as you'd occasionally lose balance. "I'm gonna fall and die in the lava!"

"It's okay Claire. Just stick with me." He'd respond, his voice calm. He'd give you a cheeky grin and jump across to the other couch. You'd hoot and holler as he made it. "See, it's not that bad. C'mon, just jump. I'll catch you." You'd give him a scared look and he'd nod. You took a deep breath and you jumped. Your eyes closed, Cas caught you and smiled.

"I love you Papa." You'd tell him, giving him that same toothy grin you always did. "Let's play with daddy." You said as you hopped off the couch and came up to hug me.
One weekend, you wanted to just stay inside and watch movies with Sam and Charlie. So we did. We called everyone over and watched Christmas movies all day. You got to pick the first movie and you choose A Christmas Story. You loved being with your aunt and uncle, so I enjoyed seeing you laugh when Sam would secretly tickle you or yell when Charlie would stick her finger in your ear.

"He got stuck!" You yelled in shock as the little boy on the screen cried as he tried to pull his tongue off the pole. "Daddy, did you see that?"

"I did. That's why you shouldn't do that." I said and you nodded. Cas was in the kitchen, making us hot cocoa. He had a special recipe which made the cocoa taste better than anyone else's. It was one of my favorite things about him.

His eyes, those blue balls of light. That was my favorite thing. His eyes always seemed to show how he was really feeling. I loved how he would always look at you while you spoke, or anyone for that matter. He made the person that he was talking to feel special. He made them feel as if they were the only people in the world in an instant. I loved that he was forgetful, but not at the same time.

He'd forget to do dishes or take out the trash, but he'd remember that joke you said when you were three. He'd forget his doctor's appointment, but he'd remember our first date so vividly and describe it with such accuracy. I loved the way he'd give me that special smile where the corners of his eyes would crinkle around the edges. I loved the way he'd smile in the toughest times or leave notes in the most random places for me to find.

"Cocoa's ready!" Cas called out. You jumped up and ran to get the platter with the cups. You came back with the tray full of cups and everyone grabbed one. You'd give me my special mug since you knew I loved that mug. That mug was one Cas got me for my birthday one year.

"Here's your special mug, daddy." You'd smile and hand me it. You'd put seven marshmallows in everyone's cocoa because that was Cas's lucky number. "Now, let's watch the movie." You hopped in my lap and Cas sat beside me. Everyone was here. Everyone was happy.
Sam and Charlie had to leave early due to the weather. It was snowing and the roads were icy, so they didn't want to slip. I just wish Cas would've listened.

You wanted to continue watching movies, so we did. My arms were wrapped around your tiny waist and around Cas. I liked when it was just us, the three of us, by ourselves in our small suburban home. God, I miss it.

"Daddy, why do you have dots on your face?" You asked me, breaking the silence. I was confused by what you meant, so I didn't answer. "You have dots on your face and I don't. Neither does Papa."

"They're called freckles, my little potato chip." Cas said in a soft voice. "They come from angel kisses."

"Woah. Daddy, you've been kissed by angels?" Claire asked in astonishment.

"Just one angel." I answered.

"Who?" You asked.

"Your Papa is an angel. That's why he has those pretty blue eyes." I replied. Cas blushed and smiled. "You have those eyes too, but they have just a hint of mine, baby."

"I'm half angel?" You said, your eyes sparkling just like your father's.

"Yeah, sweet pea."
After watching two more movies, you fell asleep around 10:00pm. I carried you to your room and laid you in bed. You looked so peaceful, your chest rising and falling in a rhythmic pattern.

"So," a voice said behind me. "another movie?" I smiled and turned around to face Cas.

"Yeah, but we ran out of popcorn." I informed him. He frowned and nodded.

"Ok, I'll go to the store real quick to get some more." He smiled. I didn't want him to leave. I wanted him to stay inside, to be safe in my arms.

"The roads are icy. Be careful." I should've gone instead. I should've made him stay. I should've kept him safe. It was my job.

"Ok." He gave me a quick peck on the lips and left. I didn't realize that was the last time I would've seen him healthy, happy, not hurting. I was in the living room watching Orange is the New Black on Netflix by myself for about an hour.

I started to panic a bit. How long does it take to get popcorn? Not very long, right? I tried thinking positive. He's probably in a long line or he's driving slowly, very slowly. Ok, I'll wait a thirty more minutes, I decided. I fell asleep within those thirty minutes, worried about Cas.


I groaned and picked up the phone. Without checking the caller ID, I answered the phone and groggily said "Hello?"

"Hello Mr. Winchester. I'm sorry to inform you, but Mr. Novak has been in a severe accident. He took most of the impact..." I dropped the phone and my blood ran cold. What had I done?
Hello everyone! I hope you guys aren't too mad with me. If you've seen the video, you probably knew this was going to happen. Sadly, this book is reaching an end. I have been dreading the day, but it is almost here. I will probably post January 24th (Dean's birthday) for a specific reason.

1. It goes with the story and timeline.
2. It's a week from today which means I get more time to fix my mistakes and rewrite anything I don't like.

BIG SHOUTOUT TO RachelKJR (she's the reason this book actually exists! She made the Destiel video that inspired this book.) SO GO AND FOLLOW HER AND TELL HER NICE THINGS BECAUSE SHE'S AWESOME!!

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