Let's Go on a Date|3

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Dedicated to @spnfan101. Hope you enjoy this chapter especially for you!
After that, everything changed. Cas was more flirtatious than ever, which I found quite arousing, and Sam and Charlie were hiding something. Whenever me and Cas made eye contact or anything involving just the two of us, I heard Sam or Charlie whisper. "Destiel."

This went on for most of their time being here and I was getting sick and tired of it! I'd had enough of it, I was gonna confront them about it. So I would do it when they said it again. My moment came when I was talking with Cas about animals and of course he slids in a 'birds and the bees' joke.

"Destiel." I heard Sam whisper and Charlie giggled. I turned to face them and I puffed my chest out.

"I'm done." I said annoyed. "I've had enough of this 'desteil' crap and I want to know what's sooo funny!?" Sam and Charlie have eachother a look and started laughing. Cas gives me a confused look and I shrug.

"Destiel is your guys' ship name!" Charlie squealed.

"What the hell is a ship name?"

"Ya know, when you want two people to be in a relationship, you ship them. A ship name is the combination of the two peoples name's. Your's is Destiel since it's Dean and Cas! I came up with it!" She gave me a toothy grin and I couldn't help but blush. Cas was blushing too and he touched my arm, sending shivers down my spine.

Sam and Charlie giggled like school girls and ran off somewhere after that. I turned to face Cas and I smiled.

"Let's go on a date or somethin'." I blurt out. Cas was taken aback but quickly responded.

"Oh... Uh... I-I would l-love too. W-When would t-this d-date take place?" He stammered nervously. I chuckled and placed my hand gently on his cheek. I leaned in and gave him a small peck on the lips.

"On Friday. Pick you up at eight." I smirked and he blushed. He turned away, smiling and blushing fiercely. He kissed my forehead and went to bed. I stayed up till three in the morning, wondering how a guy like me is going out on a date with a guy like Cas.

Charlie and Sam both left on Wednesday. Cas hugged them both and waved goodbye as they boarded their plane. He turned to face me and intertwined our fingers so we were holding hands. I smiled and he smiled back, and there it was, that same smile when we first met. It was the most wonderful thing in the world and it was for me. He was smiling at me and my insides melted when he did. That's how I knew, we were meant to be.

It was Thursday, the day before our date. God, it felt so good saying that. I thought. I smiled just thinking about me and Cas being a couple. I tried picking out an outfit for the date, but I was doubting everything I did! So is decided to call Charlie.

"Charlie?" I asked when the ringing stopped. "Helloooo..."

"Dean? I know you miss me and all but..." She teased.

"Charlie!" I interrupt. "I can pick an outfit for my date tomorrow." I hear Charlie squeal and her footsteps.

"Sam!" She called out. She must have been covering the phone since it was very muffled. "Dean's going on a date! What should he wear?!" I laughed and shook my head. I played with my ring, it was my mother's, and waited for a response. "Ok," she said panting. "Wear a white shirt and put a jacket over that. Then, wear your black jeans that hug your butt and fit loosely on your legs, ok?"

I nodded, then realized she couldn't see me, and answered. "Uh, ok." I raced to find that outfit and laid it out. "Thanks Charlie, your the best." I breathed out. She giggled.

"So, who's the lucky guy or gal?" I smiled and bit my fingernail.

"Casistheluckyguy." I said quickly. I could picture her giving me a 'bitch face' and eyeing me. "Cas." I said nervously. I heard her scream and I pulled the phone away from my ear.

"SAM! DEAN AND CAS ARE GOING ON A DATE! OH MY GOD ITS CANNON SAM! ITS FUCKING CANNON!" I heard Sam's shoes slap the ground and a door bursting open.

"HOLY SHIT, CHARLIE! WE HAVE TO PLAN THE WEDDING AND THE BABY SHOWER AND THE HONEYMOON RESERVATIONS AND..." I rolled my eyes and payed no attention to the rest of their conversation.

"Weirdos." I mumbled to myself and went into the kitchen to make myself something to eat. I spent the rest of the day watching stupid chick flick movies that Charlie made me watch.

Friday rolled around quickly and I was a nervous mess. I kept tripping over my feet and I feared the worst scenarios. It was seven thirty and Sam called me. I quickly answered and spilled everything out. "Sam I think I can't do this!"

"What? Don't be nervous, Dean." He said softly. "He wouldn't have said yes if he didn't like you."

"Got any advice?" I said quietly.

"SUCK HIS DICK!" I hear Charlie yell in the background. Sam laughs and I laughed too. It really helped me relax a bit. "No, but really, you'll be fine Dean. Just be yourself, have sex, make babies, get married, and live happily ever after ok?" I laughed and said yes.

"Ok," I breathed out. "I think I'm gonna do it. Bye guys." I hung up before they could make anymore innuendos. I got up, walked out the door and across the street, and stood on the porch of his house. I took a deep breath and rang the doorbell. He opened the door, looking super fine, and smiled. He was wearing that same trench coat and white shirt. He wore a blue and gold striped tie and black slacks.

"You ready?"

"Yup, let's go."

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