Potato Family!|10

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"Happy Birthday, little potato chip!" Cas said as you walked into the kitchen on your fifth birthday. Your eyes lit up as they landed on the strawberry cake on the counter top. You immediately gave Cas a kiss on the cheek and then you came to me. We did our special nose kiss, which was reserved for me only, and you ran straight to the cake.

"Happy Birthday, kiddo." I smiled. You turned back and gave me a toothy grin. This year you started school and you seemed excited. You really didn't have a concept of what exactly school was, but you still were just excited to hear it. "Guess who's coming over?"

"Moose! Charlie!" You always loved your Uncle Sam and Aunt Charlie. "Are they gonna eat cake with us?" You asked me, your blue-green eyes twinkling with hope.

"Maybe, let's call them." I suggested. You nodded your head feverishly and ran to get my phone. You rushed back and handed me my iPhone. I dialed Sam's number and he picked up after the third ring.

"Dean?" His voice was groggy. "What's up?"

"Someone wants to talk to you." I say in my 'dad voice'. I put the phone on speaker and place it on the table.

"Uncle Moose!" You said excitedly. I could hear Sam chuckle and give her a 'Hey Claire.' "Sammy, guess what, it's my birthday!" Sam gives an exaggerated 'wow' and you grinned from ear to ear. "Are you coming over for my birthday?"

Sam was silent for a moment, then responded. "Uh, yeah. I'll be over with Charlie in a bit, ok?" You nodded, a small frown on your face. You gave a small 'ok' and then I took the phone off speaker. I pressed it to my ear and asked what's wrong. "Nothing. I said I'd go."

"Sam. What's happening?" I asked. I knew Sam was hiding something, I raised the boy. "I can tell that something's on your mind."

"Ok," he sighs, "it's just that with finals coming up soon I feel like I need to study all the time and that if I don't that I'm gonna fail. I want to be a lawyer, but I also want to attend family activities and birthdays. I don't think I'll make it this year." I frown.

"It's ok. If you can make, cool. If not, that's cool too." I understood that Sam needed time to study. He was becoming a lawyer after all. I look down to see you staring at me. "I gotta go, bye." I hung up.

"Sammy's not coming, is he?" You said. I frowned and sat down next to you.

"Sammy's gonna be a lawyer." I say softly.

"A lawyer?" You asked in confusion.

"Yeah, a lawyer. But to be a lawyer, you need to study and go to school."

"I'm going to school!" You said happily. "Can I be a lawyer?"

"You can be anything you want to be, sweet pea." I laid my head atop yours. "You gotta be super smart to be a lawyer."

"Sammy is super smart, he can do math!"

"Yeah, but you gotta learn do to more than just math."

"What else?" You asked intrigued. "Uncle Sammy can read too."

"You need to know the laws and business tactics." I respond.

"Uncle Sammy is super smart. Is he a moose lawyer?" You asked.

I chuckled. "No. To us he's a moose, but to everyone else he's a lawyer." I looked at you and saw that your eyes sparkled with interest.

"I wanna be a lawyer! Papa, I'm gonna be a lawyer!" Cas came over and picked you up.

"Oh yeah? Uncle Sam is a lawyer." Cas smiled.

"I know! I'm gonna go to school like him. What grade is he in?" You were really interested in the whole 'lawyer' thing and asked questions about Sam and what he does. Then, there was a knock at the door. "Who is it?" You asked Cas.

"Let's go see, shall we?" He put you down and unlocked the door. Charlie stood on the other side, but no sign of Sam. "Hello Charlie. Thank you for coming." Charlie smiled and bent down to pick you up.

"Hi Auntie Charlie!" You smiled. "I'm gonna be a lawyer!" Charlie was shocked but totally agreed with the idea.

"That's awesome! Let's go put down these presents." Charlie set the presents down on the table and went to go chat with me and Cas. We waited for about two hours before you decided to start eating cake. You opened two presents and stated that you wanted to wait for Sam to show up. Nearing eight thirty, I started to doubt that Sam would show.

Suddenly, the door bell rang. "It's Uncle Sammy!" You yelled, the excitement in your eyes, as you ran towards the door. "Sam. Sam. Sam. Sam." You muttered over and over again. I opened the door to see Sam with a handful of presents in hand. "Sammy!"

"Hey Claire." Sam smiled and set the presents down.

"Sam, I'm gonna be a lawyer!" You told him. He smiled from ear to ear and nodded. You asked him all kinds of questions about the job and his school, which he answered as best he could. After a few minutes, you gasped loudly and squirmed out of Sam's arms. You ran up the stairs and we heard shuffling. You ran back down with a piece of paper and crayons.

"Baby, what're you doing?" I asked.

"I'm adding them to the Potato Family." You answered nonchalantly as you colored in your drawing. "That's papa potato, daddy potato, moose potato, and Charlie potato. We're the potato family!" Everyone laughed and had a good time. "When I become a lawyer, Papa is the first to know! I promise. Daddy is second." I pretend to cry and you laughed.

Turns out, you keep that promise.

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