Probably a Bad Time But...|5

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This is for @Immortal_Geek

We soon returned to our normal lives and everything was just right. Now that Cas and I were a couple, we went on more dates. Some were simple little homemade dinners, but others were weird ideas Cas or I would come up with. Then, Cas decided to drop a bomb on me.

"We should move in together." He suggested one morning during breakfast. My eyes widened and fear started to take over. I always had trouble with commitment, it was a scary thing for me. That's why I never lasted in relationships.

"W-What?" I stuttered nervously. I hoped to God he would drop the subject and continue eating.

"Yeah, it would be more convenient that way. Besides, I already spend most of my time here anyway..." He bit more of the eggs I had made that morning. I stared at him and I realized something. I didn't have to be scared about moving, because I will always love Cas.

"Ok, let's do it. We'll start moving your stuff on Friday and we can put your house up for rent." I smiled, imagining waking up to Cas every morning. I could picture his bright blue eyes fluttering open to stare into my green eyes.

"Ok." And that was that. Friday came fairly quickly and we packed his stuff into boxes. The piano would stay at his house since it was to heavy to move. It took about two weeks for him to unpack all his stuff and sell his dog, who now belongs to Lisa.

That was a year after we had become a couple, three years later we were still living in the small little yellow house I first saw Cas in. I was planning something special for Cas, but he was always very observant. I tried to sneak stuff into the garden as stealthily as I could, but to no avail did it work. He would always see me while walking to the back door and question me.

"What are you doing, Dean?" Cas lifted one of his eyebrows, giving me his usual demanding look.

"Nothing, baby. Why are you asking?" I smiled innocently while hiding the roses in my hand under the table. He narrowed his eyes suspiciously at me, then went back to chopping onions. I gave a sigh of relief and rushed outside. We'd been dating for four years and I thought it was time to pop the big question. Four weeks later and I thought it was time.

I set up the roses on the picnic table outside and wrote a note in his favorite book, I made sure my writing wasn't its usual chicken scrawl. I wanted everything to be perfect. And it was, until I got a call from Cas saying he was stuck on the side of the road.

Oh god, he's in trouble, I thought. I dropped the rose in my hand and ran to my keys. I grabbed them and shakily shoved them into the ignition. The engine roared and I sped to where Cas said he was. I arrived minutes later, he was leaning on his car. I stopped my car next to his and I kissed him. He was surprised, but he kissed back after a second. He pulled away and smiled, which at the time seemed like the last thing anyone would do. That's what I loved about Cas, he always tried to brighten the situation.

"Cas! Are you alright? Are you hurt? What happened?!" I asked a million questions. I wanted to know if he was safe and unhurt.

"Dean, I'm fine, really. My car just broke down." He said calmly, placing his hand on my shoulder which made me feel a little better. He was quiet for a second, fiddling with something in his pocket. "Dean, will you-"

"MOVE YOUR FUCKING CAR YOU ASSHAT!" Someone yelled as they swerved away from my car. My temper rose and I felt hatred for that someone. I looked back at Cas, but he had gone quiet again. Then, he spoke again.

"Dean, will y-"

A loud clash of thunder rolled over head and started pouring rain on us. Cas sighed and looked frustrated, though he kept a smile on. He then took a deep breath, and started again for a third time. He bent on one knee.

"You know, this probably a bad time but... Will you marry me?" He laughed while rain was still pouring down on us. I started laughing and nodded my head. He stood up and slid the band over my ring finger.

I smiled brightly at him and pulled him into a passionate kiss. It was like fireworks were erupting in my stomach, it was like the cold frigid air hitting warm skin. It was a powerful wave of lust, passion, infatuation, and love. Now I knew, what love really was on that moment. Love was not caring my husband proposed to me on the highway, in the rain, after his car broke down.

I could feel him smile through the kiss, and I knew that it was a smile I had seen not so often. It was the special smile he reserved for me. It was the smile where he would wrinkle the corners of his eyes and give me the look of joy. His smile made a fire in my heart. And I could tell that it made one in his too. We were two polar opposites, I was fire and he was rain. I was a wild hurricane, while he was a drizzle. I realized how lucky I am to have him.

Even though this wasn't the proposal that I had in mind, it was still the perfect one.

(A/N: When I wrote this chapter, I imagined Dean as a worried housewife XD!!)

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