Out On Route Guano

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Mikey was horrible at giving directions.

Absolutely terrible.

"At the one gas station over by Route Guano"

Of the total of 16 gas stations Ray had counted in the general vicinity of Route Guano, the rest of the Fabulous Killjoys were nowhere to be seen.

15 more minutes, it became 18.

Finally, after a solid hour and a half of searching, he found them.


Mikey was explaining what they'd been doing the last three weeks, his words slowly becoming slightly easier to understand.

At one point, he stopped and looked up a bit, and smiled.

A voice interceded.

"This isn't ever near Route Guano, dumbshit."

Ray's slightly visible outline was smiling back at Mikey.

Then he looked down at Frank, then Gerard, grinning widely.

"Ray!" Frank turned around, rising from the rock he was perched on to hug Ray.

Ray hugged him, then stepped back. "Frank. Surprised you made it a day without us," he said, smiling and chuckling.

Frank gently punched him in the shoulder, unable to erase the smile from his face.

Gerard laughed in disbelief, rushing to hug his friend. He heard Ray ask in his cocky voice from over his shoulder "Did'ya miss me?"

Gerard smiled, laughing but choking up a bit. "...'Course I missed you."

Ray pulled away, directing his speech to his three friends. "Speaking of Korse..."

"Took him down." Mikey rose. "Headshot, courtesy of yours truly."

Ray look surprised. "Really, that kills 'em?"

Mikey shrugged. "I guess. he had a gun to my brother's head, it was a desperate stab in the dark. And it worked."

Ray chuckled. "Man, you couldn't've thought of that when he was gonna kill me?"

"Oh shut up. Don't make me feel bad about that. I was handling 3 Scarecrows. I turned around, you were dead. I got caught so off guard that i dropped my gun, and two of them grabbed my arms, and the third kicked my legs out from under me. Then they dragged me to Korse, who shot me in the head."

Gerard didn't like this story. "Mikey, can you end this story here, please? Don't wanna hear this."

"Yeah, sorry."


Ghosts don't sleep. Mikey and Ray had nothing to do but sit, and talk. As they always did.

As they were talking, they were interrupted by a loud angry hiss of static, coming from Mikey, and then from Ray. They couldn't see their hands anymore, they were fading.

Ray turned over and started trying to wake Frank up. "Mikey, get him up! We need to tell them what's happening."

With enough of Ray yelling Frank's name, and Mikey yelling Gerard's, the boys woke up.

"Guys, guys! Mikey and I are fading, we have to leave. We'll be back as soon as we can, but until then, we have to fight our way out of the Draculoid masks. They masked us after we died, but since we're strong enough, we can break out of its grasp for a day or two. But no longer. It could take days for us to fight our way out, but we'll find we you as soon as--- ca---go---ye"

And they were gone.

i am so unprepared i have no more chapters lined up oops and im lazy ooooops

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