Your Shadow Lives On

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They were back at the gas station, sitting in silence as they stared at the outline of a person they'd missed like hell, even if it'd only been three weeks since they'd seen him last.
Gerard stuttered. "M-Mikey, how are you here?" He sniffed, holding back tears.

A blurred and fuzzy voice, ridden with light static, spoke. "I don't know, Gerard." He smiled a little. "But I'm glad."

Upon being around people, Gerard realized Mikey's outline filled in a little, becoming more defined and detailed. "Mikey, will you stay here?"

"As long as I can. I'm so sorry I left, G."

Gerard didn't tell him it was fine, that there was no need to be sorry, because there was, and it wasn't fine. So he said nothing. Frank piped up.

"Well... where's Ray?"

"He was out looking for you, but I've told him where we are, he should be here soon. It's good to see you, Frank." A smile could be seen faintly on Mikey's staticy, transluscent face.

Frank smiled as well, joyful tears burning his face. "You too, Mikey. Thank you for coming back."

Mikey smiled. "Wouldn't miss it."

He was back. For the mean time, anyway. He was back.


that happened

this was really all i had planned for this so it might be a tad longer before i really continue the storyline, so be patient. (but i guess its nothing compared to the 4 month and then 2 month breaks last time)

also i am writing a story that i've started to publish called "two faces" its not shipping anyone but its about tyler struggling with blurryface so if that sounds fun then go read that please

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