A Leopard Doesn't Change It's Spots

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Hey everybody, or whoever is is reading this. I am feeling really hurt and betrayed tonight, so I am going to post this one shot to make myself feel better. I am not depressed though. I just need to let my emotions out. This story has so much truth in it though. I was not sure who to dedicate this too, as I would dedicate it to the person who was the reason I wrote this, but I would rather she never reads this, so I will instead dedicate it to my amazing friend, Trish. <3

Change. I used to hate it. I accepted my life. I had moved from one continent to another, half way across the world. I missed all my family and friends. I had been massively excluded by my second grade best friends because they had been friends since kindergarten and I had only just moved from South Africa. My best friend after that had never really liked me and stabbed me in the back. So what? It made me a better person. All these scars were a part of me, and I just had to accept it. Why try to change the past if it is all but written in stone?

Then came fifth grade. I had two amazing best friends. I wasn't always the nicest person to one of them, Skyler, because that back-stabbing bitch's betrayal was still fresh in my memory. But I had always been someone who wanted fairness, even if I wasn't very good at making it happen. Laura Pachelli always sat alone, reading a book, and everyone made fun of her.

I invited her to sit with us, thinking it wasn't right that she was alone. It turns out, she liked being alone, reading a book at lunchtime, but we did our best to make her feel like she had best friends. Soon, we learnt why everybody made fun of her. She cried about everything, she screamed in our ears when she didn't get her way, and she made our lives miserable. So we made a new friend who came to sit with us as well. I won't bother naming her. Soon after she came along, Laura made other friends and stopped hanging out with us. This was at the end of year five. Then I went back to South Africa for the first time in 4 years. I realised how much I missed my family and old friends, and old life.

So, things became more complicated in my life. At the beginning of year six, we made another friend called Hayley. Our friend from the year before left after spreading around some secrets she shouldn't have. It was then just me, Skyler, Hayley, and the girl whom I had been friends with since I was friends with Skyler, Poppy. Around the middle of the year, Skyler and Hayley became insperable, and I started to feel excluded almost.

That didn't last though. Skyler and Poppy became inseperable not long after that, and I became a lot closer to Hayley. In fact, I told her everything. Poppy left though. She decided she wanted to hang around with people who were all incredibly smart, instead of just one smart person and two others. Sky and Hayley's inseperable relationship was restored, except that time, I was on my own.

Leopards Never Change Their Spots

I don't know how many times I talked to them about how horrible I felt, and how lonely I was. Yet it made no difference. For book week Hayely went as Barbie cos she was blonde, and Skyler went as Barbie's best friend cos she was a brunette. I went as Nora Grey from Hush Hush. They took their picture together for the class wall, and my picture was all alone.

Eventually, after months of bitter feelings and every now and then losing it at them, all my words of pain worked. Skyler and I built a rock solid friendship, and it became the three of us against the world. We did everything together, shared everything, and never had bitter feelings because of possible favouritism.

But nothing lasts forever. Year seven came, and Hayley changed. Neither Skyler nor I could recognise the sour person that Hayley was. She was nothing like the year before, which ended the friendship. Skyler and I were more than sisters from then on, we were the strawberries and the chocolate, the nutella and the marshmallow, the pizza and the cheese. We were incomplete without each other.

And yet here I stand, with all that still true, yet bitter feelings have consumed me again, and jealousy has caused me to find some place where others can know how I feel, without anyone I actually know seeing it.

Skyler and I had made probably about fifteen new best friends in seventh grade. And I loved all of them, and so did Skyler, but one person she particularly adored. Vanessa Walsh, one of the most loveable people I had ever met. Her and Skyler had an immediate bond. They began to do everything together the way that Hayley and Sky used to. I was slowly pushed back into the side lines again. Vanessa tried her best to make me feel like it was the three of us, always and forever, but what can I say? Leopards never change their spots, and Skyler certainly hadn't changed hers.

She never meant to hurt me. But she never stayed with one person who meant everything to her for more than a good few months. My time was up. We were still sisters, but Vanessa and Skyler were the two people everyone knew as the closest of close friends.

Wattpad became my refuge, where I could post my emotions as messages or on my status. I didn't hold a grudge as much because I felt as if my voice was being heard. As I have said, nothing lasts forever, and Skyler got Wattpad. I could no longer express what I felt through Wattpad, in fear that she would see it and we would start fighting. I created a Tumblr account. And while I found myself posting things to make me feel better, such as quoting the song by Emblem3, which had my name as the title, Chloe, with "Chloe, I know your sister turns everyone one, but I have no doubt you're the one I want," followed by "I wish someone would sing these lyrics to me, but change sister to best friend, because Skyler gets guys who fall head over heels for her, and all I get is one fucking man slut in the past five years." I also posted depressing songs that just made me feel better, such as People Help the People by Birdy, or explaining how some other friends of mine said they wished they were as pretty as I was, and I cried because they couldn't see how truly gorgeous and amazing they were and even considered that I was better than them, when, while I had some finer qualities, I was also a bitter bitch who got incredibly jealous.

What if things never change? What if I am stuck in this whirlwind of jealousy and bitterness forever? I didn't want it to be what described me, but if I feel of so often, how was I supposed to survive?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2013 ⏰

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