I wrapped his jacket around me then walked up the practically empty stands and sat down. Then I saw Chase run out onto the field to warm up. He spotted me and smiled and I smiled back then he smile vanished when Brody and the others sat down beside me.

"Awh how cute!" Brody said sarcastically and I frowned and turned to him. "Sorry. Hey I talked to Jake about how he treated you earlier."

"You didn't have to." I sighed.

"Yeah I did." He told me.

"Well let's just watch the game." I said.

Then the game began.

"Do you even know the rules of football?" Brody asked me.

"Yes!" I snapped. "JC and I played it all the time." 

"So is that your type, older guys?" He asked me.

"No, funny guys who tease me and protect me. Someone who's always there for me." I corrected him.

"Anything else?" He laughed.

"Yeah, they have on be strong but caring, loyal, loving. They have to be taller than me, like the same movies as I do, sing to me when I'm sad and always be there for me when I'm sick. They have to be a dog person and they have to promise never to cheat." I smiled.

"You know you practically just described me." Brody winked at me.

"Yea sure." I rolled my eyes.

"Well Chase won't protect you Marley." Brody told me.

"He's the captain of the football team, I think he can protect me just fine." I laughed.

"I didn't say he can't, I said he won't." Brody corrected me.

"Brody seriously, either you stop bad mouthing Chase or you tell me what he did to you to make you like this!" I scolded Brody.

Brody looked me in the eyes and I thought he was going to tell me but then he shook his head and started making his way through the crowd and out of the stands.

"What did you say to him?" Jamie asked me, now sitting closest to me.

"He won't tell me what his problem is with Chase!" I flamed.

"Follow him." Jamie sighed.

"What?" I asked him.

"Follow him, get him to tell you, you deserve to know, especially if you're planning on getting close to Chase." Jamie said.

Jamie was right, I had to follow Chase. I wasn't going to stay in the shadows with people hiding everything from me. I had to know.

"Thank you Jamie." I kissed his cheek then rushed out of the stands to follow Brody.

Once I got far from the football pitch I saw Brody's shadow from a distance and followed after him. I ran with Brody further until he stopped at a river bridge. The bridge wasn't that high from the river. Brody sat down and let his legs hover over the water. I knew he knew I was there so I joined him, sitting down a wee bit away from him and letting my legs hover too.

"Ever since I was young, I've had trouble trusting people, my psychologist says the majority of my problems are down to the fact that I can't trust anyone but yet I'm trusting you right now. I've always been insecure, my psychologist pointed it out one day when I walked into his office and I took a longer way to get to the chair because the easy way made me pass by a mirror. I have never opened up to anyone. You know you're the first person I told personally about my self harming and eating disorders. I barely even know you but I'm willing to tell you everything you want to know because I trust you. Why don't you trust me Brody?" I asked him after a heart felt speech.

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