Chapter 7

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(during The Reichenbach Fall)

I sat in the living room, reading some newspapers. Sherlock and John came in.
"wow, I saw that you brought back a painting and found two missing kids", I said.
"yes, he's this far from famous", John said. "you should focus on small cases, Sherlock."
"why?" Sherlock asked,while holding the cap he got. "this doesn't make sense, why has it two flaps?"
I went upstairs and saw I got a text:

     LOVE U
          -XX- JIM

     U. LY X
          - LYN

After a while I heard John calling me. I went downstairs.
"whats going on?" I asked.
"look at the news. we finally got him!"
"got who?"
"Jim Moriarty."
I looked at the tv and saw Jim stepping into a police car. my Jim!
"Lyn are you okay?"
I ignored John and went outside, to the police station. there had to be a mistake. Jim would never do anything against the law, certainly without telling me.
I went inside and asked a policeman where Jim was.
"sorry, I can't just tell you. who are you?" he said.
"where the hell is he?!"
he lead me to a room and i saw Jim sitting there.
"come on, let's get out of here", I said.
"but I'm arrested."
"no, you're not gonna tell me that you really tried to steal the crown jewels, Jim."
"I'm sorry, darling", he said.
"and what else have you done? John said: "we finally got him", so I guess you've done more stealings?"
"you know John Watson?" he asked, a bit surprised.
"yes, he's the best and only friend of my brother."
"Sherlock's your brother?" he asked and I nodded. "why haven't you told me? if I had known that he was your brother I had never tried to kill him."
"why didn't you tell me you are a murderer?"
"I'm sorry honey, I'll make it okay, I promise."
"no don't ever try to contact me again. we're done", I said and walked to the door.
"I love you, I really do", he said and I went home again.
"I'm sorry we didn't know that he was your boyfriend" John said.
"dis you guys break in to my room?"
"yes. you shouldn't fancy murderers, Lyn", Sherlock said.
"I didn't know he was a murderer, did I?" I said. "leave me alone please."
"do not grief, he isn't worth it", Sherlock said.
"leave me alone!" I said and went upstairs.
I saw the picture of me and Jim and started crying. "why, Jim, why?" I said and threw the photo on the floor. the glass broke. I grabbed all things that he gave me and put them in my closet. I looked around but everything reminded me of him and I started crying again. someone knocked on my door.
"I'm fine", I said.
"you are?" Sherlock asked.
"go away!"

the next few days I stayed in my room and didn't eat or sleep or talk to someone. i sat on my bed listening to music. Everybody Hurts, by Avril Lavigne. Sherlock knocked on my door and came in.
"I'm going to Moriarty's lawsuit today and so is John. are you okay with that?" he asked.
"yea why wouldn't I be?"I said. "good luck."
"thank you", he said and left.
I went downstairs when I hearf Sherlock and John came in.
"how did it go?" I asked.
"they didn't think he was guilty, so he's free."
"what? but he's a serious criminal!" I said. "how did he do that?"
"you seem quite eager to get him into jail", John said.
"he tried to kill you both! he deserves it."
"I agree", Sherlock said. "what did you ever fancy about him actually?"
"I dont wanna have this conversation again Sherlock", I said and grabbed some food and went upstairs again.
I heard John went outside and Sherlock playinh the violin. after a while I heard him talking to someone. John was still away and I didn't think he was talking to mrs. Hudson, but to who was he walking then? then I heard the other voice; the irish accent and the words he used, it was Jim! 'what the hell is he doing here?' I thought and went downstairs  he was just about to leave. he looked at me and smiled a bit.
"hello, my dear", he said.
"bye", I said and opened the door for him.
"i thought that you don't wanna see him again?" Sherlock asked.
"what was he doing here?"
"i don't know. we just had a little chat."
"well don't have one."
"i can look after myself thank you", he said.
"yea, sure", I said and went upstairs again.
I came downstairs for dinner after a while.
"oh dear are you feeling better?" mrs. Hudson asked.
I nodded my head.
"lovely to hear!"
we had dinner and after that i went to my room. I grabbed the photo of me and Jim and looked at it. i actually wasn't sad that anymore, just angry. I turned on my phone and texted him:

     MET, 10PM
          - LYN

I hoped that he would read it and that he would come. I looked at the clock and saw it was only 7o'clock. I took a shower and got dressed and did my make-up. i read a bit and then i grabbed my coat and went to the pub. he came walking towards me.
"hey darling", he said.
"I need to talk to you", I said.
"yea honey I know. but i need to give you something first. will you pleasr come with me to my appartement?"
"no i don't wanna be in a murderers home."
he started laughing. "you have been there so so many times, dear. you know i won't hurt you."
"come inside please", i said and he followed me into the pub. "why did you try to kill my brother?" I asked. "can you please give me an explanation?"
"ofcourse", he said. "and i didn't really try to kill him that's too obvious. and don't blame me, i didn't know he was your brother! my ecplanation is quite simple: bored", he added.
"you cant just kill people because youre bored."
"why not?"
"seriously? how could they think you were not guilty? you dont even regret it!" I said.
"I meant what i said in the policestation. I love you honey", he said. "do you love me too, or do you hate me?" he asked.
"please dont ask."
"why? because youre scared that you will hurt me?"
"I don't have an answer."
"really? so you don't hate me?" he said and looked surprised.
"i haven't figured that out yet. I really loved you, I really did. and its not easy for me to hate you, but i cwrtainly dont love you anymore."
"are you sure? because it seems you're still in love with me, darling."
I grabbed a plate with profiteroles that was standing on the bar and threw it on his suit. he was standing there, looking very surprised.
"yes I'm quite sure", I said and went home.

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