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My video, would be fun if you have time to check it out :) xx it's specially for my friend ashtonsflowercrown bc she loves Lirry. They're soon cuteeee 

Harry's P.O.V

I don't know how to feel. I don't want to think it's true, but somehow I just have to think about the reality. I can't describe what I'm feeling right now, but one thing I know is that I've start to fall for Niall and I know if I would try to forget about him, I would fail. I know that if I would just break everything, every moment we shared I would go insane if I saw Niall with someone else than me. 

To me Niall is starting to be someone special. 

I didn't grew up with a great family and friends. I've always felt so lonely and I have no idea why I've felt in that kind of way. But until I met Niall, something inside of me exploded and started to open up. I may didn't know that he was my stalker and all but no one of us did know anything would happened between us. But he was still the one who made me smile. I haven't told Niall that I've actually had a crush on him as well, it started a year ago. That little irish, innocent boy, who was wearing different flower crowns everyday. Who had the most cutest and beautiful smile and god, have I ever told about his laugh?

That boy made me feel happiness, for maybe the first time I felt something, happiness and that was when Niall was around. Louis were there for me I know, but I've never felt something like this for him. 

I think I just got together with him because I felt so alone, that british boy made me laugh for the first time in my life. I could just see him as my best friend, but then when Louis wanted more, I just thought I would go for it. I didn't want to risk to lose Louis. 

But then something just hit me when he punched me that night, I couldn't act like everything was okey. I just couldn't. I will never forget about it but I've tried to forgive Louis. Even if he has made mistakes I will always try to find a reason to forgive him. Because every single human does mistakes. 

But how happy he seem to be when he's around Liam makes me happy. 

I maybe should feel jealous but I'm not. Because I never felt love with Louis and I know that he didn't felt in that way for me either. We just needed our backs. 

Now we still somehow managed to find our way back to each other and we're still best mates, as we always been before. He's happy and I am as well. 

I will like Niall even if he is my stalker. 

I like him whatever he is and whatever he does. I was so nervous when Niall ran away from me at the new years party. I thought I was a bad kisser. No okey seriously I was scared that I had gone too far. But now I've got the reason why he did what he did. 

I can't let him go, I can't. If I do, I will lose him and I'll never be happy again. 

you can't know anything before you've tried it. 



I don't know if I've told you but it's only one chapter until this fic has come to an end :( I'm so happy that you guys have help me with different choices in my life, made me happy, made me feel motivation to continue with this fanfic and most of all read this fanfic and I really hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have done. 

Thank you so extremely much!!!! :) xxxxxxxxxxxxx

tomorrow is the last chapter up :) :( sad and happy at the same time 


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