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Liam: So how did it go?

Niall: Well I don't actually know, he punched one of the guys..

Liam: Why?

Niall: I think he thought that he was his stalker-

Niall: Liam?

Liam: Yes?

Niall: I feel like a baby but..

Niall: I'm a bit scared

Liam: Aw my nialler, I can understand u but I'm not so sure he will do anything like that to you.

Niall: I hope not :/

Liam: I know he won't! Don't worry


Before you say anything, I know this chapter was short. Don't kill me! 🙈

What do you think Harry would do if he would find his stalker which is Niall?

4 days until Louis birthday and Christmas (here in Sweden)

Hope you had a better saturday than I had! :) xx


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