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Liam is the most beautiful human being!!!!! Just look at that smile!!

Harry: Louis?

Louis: Yeah? What's up mate?

Harry: Can I tell you something?

Louis: Ofcourse!

Louis: What's on your mind?

Harry: Okey so this has been going on for about, um, maybe 3 weeks or something. There is someone who is stalking me and he has been texting me (more sexting actually)

Louis: Oh, someone who is obsessed with ya? I see

Harry: Yeah kinda :/

Louis: Have you blocked him?

Harry: That's just the thing, I don't even know why I'm texting him back all the time, instead of block him right away.

Louis: Maybe, bc you likeeee to text your stalker!!

Harry: No

Louis: Sure?

Harry: I'm just getting pissed off when he send me a message

Louis: Why not just block the bloody number then?

Harry: He's a good distraction when I'm bored I guess

Louis: Then you don't have a problem with him then

Harry: Yes I have!! The boy stalk me all the time! He's watching me in school all the time while I don't even know who the guy is!

Louis: Okey, well just tell him you don't found it funny anymore, like, it's not a game.

Harry: then he would say 'game over' to me

Louis: Harry even how much I would love to talk to you for a longer time, I need to meet up with Liam, before we head to footie :)

Harry: You and Liam seem to getting along quite much :) have fun and goodluck on the footie!

Louis: Yeah, he's a fun lad to have around

Louis: the cute irish boy then?

Harry: How did you know he was irish? :/

Louis: You gotta be kidding me Haz!!!

Harry: No I'm actually not :/

Louis: HARRY

Louis: have you never relized his accent?

Harry: oh yeah but I don't know how your accent sounds like when your irish that's the problem

Louis: OMG *Ilmao*

Harry: Sorry for not being a smartass like you

Louis: nevermind, I love u anyway :)

Louis: But I haven't seen Niall today actually :/

Harry: well he's 2 years younger than us, so he's in another grade too

Louis: I know but I'm used to see him on wednesdays..

Louis: check how he is feeling yeah?

Louis: Gotta go now

Harry: I will ;)

Harry: Okeyy! Byeee



It's sad that the boys has gone on their break now :( but they diserve it I know! But it's sad anyway :( :)


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