Chapter Six-Preparations.

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There was no time left for the wedding day. Aunt Nersey was quite worried about the arrangements. She was hyperventilated. Tasha came to her rescue and she handled everything very easily and keenly. I had warned Tasha to be patient all the time as this was her first trimester. I couldn't put her health on stake.

"Hey everyone, Done with preparing everything?". Emily entered, surprising all of us. If Morco would've been here then I'm sure that would had gotten all flushed. Sometimes he acts like a woman.

"Yes, almost everything". Tasha winked.

"What about your clothes?". She questioned.

"Oh I forgot about it completely, now what? No one would be able to arrange our clothes so quickly in just one day!". Aunt frowned as she plunged herself on the couch.

"I am here for your help my soon to be mother in law, aren't you all forgetting that the bride is a fashion designer". Emily claimed proudly.

"I have brought you and Tasha, some of my latest collection of women's fashion and footwear and for the boys, I have picked few tuxedos from a designer friend of mine. You both will absolutely love it". She added.

"Oh my lovely daughter! I'm so happy to have you as my son's wife. Let me try this dress". Aunt kissed Emily's forehead before scrambling back to her room.

"Natasha, you too can try yours. I have designed a saree for you for the first time". She handed one of her bags to Tasha who readily accepted it and smiled.

"I am so overwhelmed by your effort. Okay, let me try it too". Tasha went upstairs.

"And this bag is for you and Morco. Tell him to wear the white one. He'll look breathtakingly handsome. Now, I'll take your leave. See you at the wedding". Emily said and walked out of the house

At Morco's room

"I don't like white but I can't say no to Emm". He looked in the mirror adjusting his collar.
He's just exaggerating. I don't know what will happen once he gets tied to Emily.

"Don't worry, you look perfect and it's your wedding day. Be cool and calm". I comforted him.

"What about your wedding with Natasha? Tell me. weren't you worried about your new life?". He turned his head towards me and I couldn't resist a smile to lift up my mouth in a curve.

"Of course I was worried, But the moment, I saw her as she came forward, all dressed as a beautiful Indian bride in that red dress and jewelry. It took away all my anxiety. Her smile made me calm. That was the most remarkable time". I said while recalling my memory.

He simply bobbed his head before speaking.

"Wives are the biggest supporting system in our lives.They are the best companion to have who take away all our tensions, anxiety and most important thing Freedom". He laughed adding the last part with humor.

"Yeah, you are right". I joined him.

"Chris, can you please help me with this?". Tasha called out.

"Go, your wife is here to snatch your freedom away". He whispered.

"It's long gone, Brown". I giggled and went out to help Tasha.

That night, We were talking in our room about different typrs of marriages. It seemed so interesting to discuss about such topics.

"You know love, I always wanted to stay away from getting married but you changed my prospective". Tasha held my arm and gazed at me, lovingly.

"Why is that so?" I asked her.

"Marriage seemed so much a big burden especially on a women's shoulder. When Tanya got married, I could see her in terrible pain and the adjustments, she had gone through with just to make her in laws happy elevated my fears.  This started worrying me. My mom too didn't have an easy life. She had to make so many sacrifices. So I had decided that I won't be able to adjust or sacrifice anything but when I met you, The love and affection convinced me to the exact opposite of what I had planned". She said with a lot of confidence.

"But you changed my life". I kissed her forehead before pulling a blanket over us.

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