Start from the beginning


Maya walked into the police station in search of her alpha. In front of her was a butt naked Parrish. Her cheeks flushed red in embarrassment. She ignored  him and followed the man. Suddenly a hand flew over Maya's eyes. "Uh am I supposed to guess who it is?" "No just keep walking" Stiles instructed. Maya didn't even question it there was no point.

After finally being pushed into the sheriffs office Stiles removed his hand. "What was that for?" She asked. "He was naked and your a baby." "Okay? Where's Scott I need to talk to him." The door flew open and in walked a clothed Parrish, Scott and a man Maya didn't know. Maya felt a pang of pain in her head. She groaned in response. "Why is Maya here?" Scott asked. Within seconds Maya say Derek Hale's past. It was all to much. She grabbed her head, the blonde got up and walked up to Derek. "Derek Hale is no longer on the list."

Maya's body fell to the ground. "What did you do?" Stiles asked as fell to his knees. "Who is she? And what is she talking about?" Derek asked. "Maya wake up." Stiles begged. Suddenly the blonde jolted up. She gasped for air, Stiles snapped his finger in front of her.  "Hey it's okay. We're right here." Maya smiled weakly at Stiles as he helped her up. "I don't know what I'd do without you." She told Stiles. "I got you kiddo."

Apparently while Maya was out cold they had talked to Parrish. "What's a Kanima?" Parrish asked. "We'll get back to that. Just know that everyone like us, everyone with some kind of supernatural ability is on the deadpool." Scott explained. "But I don't even know what I am" Parrish said.

"I'm pretty sure they don't care" Derek and Maya said in unison. Maya looked at Derek a smirk on her lips. "How many professional assassins are we talking about?" The deputy asked. "We're starting to lose count" Lydia admitted. "But is it still just professional?" Scott asked. "No the game has changed. Last night my printer went off and it printed this." Maya said as she handed Scott the new list. "Liam and I are worth a lot more. And Derek isn't on the list. If this I got this without the password and not being an assassin then the question we should be asking is who didn't get it?"  "We'll handle this, go to school. We'll meet you there." Scott said. The blonde nodded and made her way to the door. "Almost forgot, Parrish nice ass."


The school day had been full of Mason trying to convince Liam and his girlfriend to go to the bonfire. Sadly Liam had to go so now Mason was bothering Maya. She'd grown tried of the begging and said she would be there.
Now she stood in front of Liam trying to get him to dance. Liam was chugging down an entire beer bottle. Something was wrong and Maya knew it.

Maya danced a few feet away from Liam. She knew the problem was about the deadpool she would've never thought it'd affect him this much. Maya faced Liam and took his arm. "Come on be a good boyfriend and dance with me." Maya begged. Liam got up and stumbled into Maya. "Oh okay maybe
you should sit down." "No i wanna dance with you." Liam said. "Maya how much has he had to drink?" Scott asked.

"Not enough to get him like this." Mason said. Suddenly Maya stumbled, "How much have you had?" Scott said referring to the blonde. "Nothing I don't I was fine a second ago." "Somethings happening. We need to get them out of here. I think we're gonna have to um."

"How much did you have to drink?" Mason asked. "Nothing not even a sip. It's not the drinks it's the music. I have to.. I have to turn off the music." Scott said as he grabbed Malia and sat her down next Mason. Scott made his way through the crowd. Three men approached the group. The men began to pick up the teens. "Wait...Stop. Hey what are you doing? These are my friends." Mason told the men. "Your friends are overly intoxicated. They need to be escorted out."

"Okay I'll go with you." Mason said as he got up from his seat. The man pushed Mason back into his seat, "That won't be necessary." The three men stormed off with Maya, Malia, and Liam. The men set them down in the hallway of the high school. Maya looked over at Liam, "What is this? What are you doing?" Scott asked. "Its gasoline. Haigh says we gotta burn you."

The men began to drench the teenagers in gasoline. Suddenly Derek stormed in and began to fit off the men. The pack watched as he took down every man in his way. Finally someone spoke, "What happened to the gun?" "Your covered in gasoline." Derek reminded the teenagers. Derek helped everyone out. Maya was last, "Scott told me what you can do. What did you see?"

"Everything. The fire, your uncle, and the list. Be careful, I have a really bad feeling about you not being on the list." Maya said. Derek smiled at the blonde as he set her down next to Liam. "I'll be careful I promise."


Sorry about not updating. I didn't know how Maya would fit into this chapter but I figured it out. Also recently published a Ryan Kelley Fanfic it's called IMessage you should go read it. That is all

- XOXO Mama Mac

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