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Today was judgment day.

I was just kidding.

Today was the day that I needed to attend and Accounting subject. I hated that this subject was giving me a hard time but I didn't have any choice; this subject could lead to a better future for me, too.

I would buy Harvey and everything around him if I would be that successful in the future. I wouldn't brag and say that my family was rich. I was from an average family. You couldn't ask for something if it wasn't Christmas or your birthday. We were taught that only the things we need should be bought with using our parents' money. I had an older brother named Kenn and a little brother named Kitt.

I left home early since Angel wasn't coming to school with me. Joshua must have picked her up today. If I would be given a chance to be fetched at home too, Dyosa and Diwata would be sorry.

Those two gorgeous weren't not with me today. They said that breakfast with their beloved guys was a must, so I let them enjoy their time with the guys they like. I just hoped that they would not be running into me, crying, with broken hearts. I didn't think that those guys were taking them seriously.

When I got in the room, it wasn't that full with students yet. Some were still enjoying the free time, while the professor was still out, using their phones.

Some of the students attending this class were taking a different course from us. We were not considered as a block section because the differences in the time that this subject offered. Only Angel and Dyosa were able to be in the block section since we were in first year. I wonder how did they manage to have the same schedule.

Also, I was still hoping that one semester I would get the chance to be one of Harvey's classmates. That could be possible if we were taking a general academic subject.

We still weren't given a class arrangement in this subject so I decided to seat at the third row again, same reason. I fished a book from my bag and decided to read to kill time. Mara influenced me with book reading. Angel and I were given a chance to be scholars in this school, so I was working my brain hard to be functional always.

Compared to the half of the population of the students here who owned a personal car, Angel and I needed to take a cab or the jeepney to get here. But now she had Joshua to pick her up and drop her to school whenever he wanted.

Someone poked my arm. "Hi, Les. Good morning."

When I looked up to see who was the person, it was Monica. She was again giving off that friendly vibe.

"Hi, Aica. You can sit here beside me," I offered.

"Isn't there someone who would sit next to you?" she asked.

"No one. Both the seats next to me are vacant."

"That's good!" she said, sitting next to me.

I put the book back into my bag so I could focus on talking with Aica. She placed her bag on the vacant chair next to her.

"You're bag's going to sit there?" I asked, trying to pull off a joke.

"Nope. Gelo's seat. Okay lang ba?"

I nodded in response. She was so concerned with her friend Gelo, reserving his seat, making friends for him.

"Gaano kayo ka-close?"

It accidentally slipped off my tongue.

"Ni Gelo? So-so," she said. "We're classmates since first year, first sem. Starting that day we are always together, like magnets."

Mr. Know it All [EDITING]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt