Chapter 17

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She kept hearing the beeping noise through the night. She couldn't sleep and just wanted some time to do that. It was hard considering her circumstances. She reached near her ear and felt around. Nothing. It felt odd but she could tell that something was there. She rolled over and closed her eyes. The sight of how he reached over and started choking her flashed in front of her making her gasp for air. She laid on her back and looked at the ceiling. But of course horror took over as she remembered that night like it was just yesterday. But it wasn't.

She had to protect Jason and Ross wasn't making that easy. She would look at the ceiling. Trying her best not to scream because if she did, he would greet her with a right hand. That night was the night that changed it all. She was so grateful that she didn't lose Jason that night. It took all the fight she had left in her to do so. She never once broke down in front of him even in his drunken state which was kinda new to him. Ross was the type to get what he wanted when he wanted it.

"Over. Now." He growled at her. She held her stomach. "I don't feel too good." She gagged. He studied her for a moment. Her cheeks looked flushed and she had gone completely pale. The hairs on her neck rose up as bile rushed up her throat. He noticed it to. He picked her up and ducked her head over the bridge. She threw all she could up and tapped his shoulder to let him know she was done. He put her down. "No more. Please. No more." She begged. He kissed her cheek and took her hand.

The nightmare was only beginning. "Ross? Where are we?" She asked looking around the unfamiliar location. He didn't answer and sniffed some more. She rolled her eyes and walked in deeper. He walked up behind her and held her sniffing her air. "You smell so good? Come here."He said pushing her up against a post. She shook holding his body as far from hers as possible. He pressed up even more. "Ross...Stop. Stop this now." She said pushing him off. He laughed as if he was on cloud 9 and he was. "Come on babe. Don't be like that. Give me."He groaned pulling her against him and bringing them both to the floor.

She rolled over and pushed him off trying even harder. He rolled himself over on top of her. "Ross...This isn't you. Stop." She pleaded. He pressed his lips on to her neck and pinned her arms next to her. She closed her eyes tightly. "What? What are you doing?" She asked terrified out of her mind. "Be quiet and you will be fine. I promise." He said moving down her chest. She looked up at the ceiling ready to scream as she fought for control over her hands.

She got them loose and she hit him as hard as she can. He groaned trying to gain his balance. She rolled over away from him. "Ugh! Bitch!" He called getting up. She held her stomach and back up. "Your going to give it to me! Now!" He said grabbing her towards him. He was mad. She pushed back and kneed him and ran to find a way out. Just not her luck. She was trapped and the only way out was through him. She ran around the post and the moment she got there, she was greeted with a big right hand.

He looked at her as she laid there defenseless. He smirked and got back on top of her. Her vision blurred and all she could hear was her clothes get teared piece by piece. She cried out for help but the only help she could receive was from the person who was assaulting her now. He pinned her arms above her head and brought himself even closer to her. She slowly moved as she was falling in and out of consiousness. And the moment he thrusted into her, she grew completely dark.

She woke up with a start. She rolled over and looked at the clock. "Oh shit!" She cursed under her breath. She got up and rubbed her eyes. She quickly took a shower and made herself a little more presentable. She packed her stuff up and slipped her back over her shoulder. She decided to wear sneakers just in case she had to make a run for it. But what exactly was she running from? She established a while ago that this was not going to ruin her life or Jason's. That's all she cared about and that's all she needs.

"Hey? Where are you going?" Dane asked her approaching her. "I'm going home." She said. "Home? I thought you lived here?" He asked. "No. Its a hotel. I only stayed for a night. But I really need to get home soo...excuse me." She said walking around him. "Hey. Hold on sec. You look familiar." He said looking at her. She avoided eye contact. She turned her head and Dane seen the chip. "Son of a bitch..." He mumbled. "Huh?" She asked. "Oh. Okay. Have a safe trip." He force smiled. She smiled back and walked away from the hotel.

"Hey babe." Ross asked in front of her. "What? Are you following me?" She asked. He perked up on his bike and pulled his glasses down. "I don't want to but I need to." He answered. "And why would that be?" She asked. "I told you already. Now come on." He held out the helmet to her. "I'm not going." She said. "Yes you are. Now. Or else." He warned. She clamped her mouth shut and took the helmet putting it on. He smirked . He helped her get seat. "But first.... Let's go meet Jason." He smirked kicking his motorcycle into gear and riding off.
I am just the luckiest.. God I love ya'lll!! See what did there?! No... Okay. Comment and Vote!!!!

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