Chapter 16

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She looked at him unsure. He shrugged. "Go ahead." He said. She narrowed her eyes. She knew him better than that. She picked up her bag back up and slowly walked out the room. She looked back to make sure he was not following. Luke smirked as he seen her approach. "Where are you going?" He asked. "Home." She replied walking over to the door. He followed her. "Luke!" He called out. He slowly backed away from her. She walked out and didn't turn back. "So you just let her leave?" He asked his approaching friend. He looked at him.

"Luke. Let it go." He said. "So that's just it?" He asked. "Your a damn fool." He said and walked over to the couch. "Dude. Relax. I want my son and she's going lead me right to him. If I let her go, she'll do exactly that." He said. "So your not worried about Dane possibly taking her? Or even taking both of them?" He asked. Ross rolled his eyes. "If Dane wants me, he knows where to find me. He's not a pussy that takes an easy way out. Which doesn't exist for him." He said sitting on the couch.

"Oh well. I'm just warning you. Plus I would hate it if something would happen to her. She really is one of a kind." He said sitting next to him. "Didn't you have your girls tonight?" He said clenching his jaw. "Yeah. They passed out about an hour ago. It was fun but it will only be much more fun if you joined." He said. He looked at the tv and turned it on. "Nope. I'm clean at the moment. You enjoy yourself." He said flipping through the channels without looking at him any longer than he had to.

"Where are you?!" Vanessa asked looking around. "I'm on my way. You can't leave him to come get me. I'll see you in the morning." She told her sister. "Your all alone in the streets of L.A and you think your safe?! No. You need to have a better plan than this!" She said. "Vanessa I get it! I messed up but I'm only doing it to keep my son away from that piece of shit he'll one day learn to call dad! Now stop scolding me and actually help me out here! I love Jason! I would die for you guys!" She told her sister.

"But don't do it like this! He's so young. He deserves to grow up with his mom. He lost his dad a while ago. Do you want him to lose you too?!" She asked. "No. I don't." She looked down. She reached into her bag and pulled out a few bills. "I will be home in the morning. No excuses. I promise." She said walking into the hotel. "Where are you?" She asked. "I'm at a hotel. I'm safe V. I assure you I'm fine.Now relax and go to sleep. I'll be careful." She told her.

She sighed. "Alright. We'll talk about this later." She said. She nodded. "A room please." She told reception. "I love you Laura. Hurry back. Bye." Vanessa said ending the call. She sighed and hung up. "Just for the night?" The guy behind the counter asked. She nodded. He nodded and looked for any available rooms. Once he found one, she paid him and made her way up to her room. She sighed of relief after unwinding and taking a hot shower. She changed and got into something comfortable. She looked around her trying to get the awful images out of her head.

She cried out and rubbed her eyes. 'I have dealt with this for too long. The moment he returned so suddenly I knew something was wrong. Now he knows about his son. He'll never leave me alone until I give him time to spend with him. I could never allow that to happen after what he said the time I tried to tell him.' She cried softly into her pillow. "I loved him so much I would've took a bullet for him if I saw it. But Ross was always selfish. It was never really about us. Just him." She sniffed.

"Oh come on babe. You don't actually want to go out tonight right? I mean why don't we just chill here. I have a lot to do." He said picking up a beer bottle. He placed it down and kissed her. She hated that so she pulled away. He rolled his eyes and trailed kisses going down her neck while pressing her even closer to him. "Ross....There's something I need to tell you about." She said pushing him away slightly. "What is it?" He asked. She looked down for a few seconds then back at him.

He stared at her impatiently. "Well?" He asked. "Um...I wanted to ask. Did you know Jess is pregnant with Josh's kid?" She asked turning it around. "That must suck. Having a kid this earlier in their life is a bit stupid. If she is keeping that baby, she mind as well not bother showing up near you. Imagine if you were?" He chuckled and looked at her. "What would you do if I was?" She asked nervously. "Easy. I'll make sure it never happens. Kids are a nusiance. And if you ever are, I'll be sure to get rid of it." He said. She held her stomach. "Now come here."

She heard a beeping sound and looked around. It was strange. She felt a little tickle near her ear and reached for it. Just as she was about to reach the chip, a knock came at the door for her. She thought it was strange and slowly walked over. "Yes?" She called. No answer. She was a little paranoid at the thought that he must've followed her here. She slowly opened the door and a brunnete gretted her. "Hi." She said. He smiled. "Hello." He said. "What are you doing? It's late." She asked. "Just greeting the neighbors." He said. "Cool. What's your name?" She asked. "Dane."

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