#022 "Sometimes I just can't control myself when around you."

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Thank you to everyone who votes I appreciate you! This one's a bit long feel free to leave a comment :D

No background is really needed for this one all you have to know is that Riley and Farkle are seniors in high school.

#022 "Sometimes I just can't control myself when around you."

"Riley. Riley!" Farkle was running behind her, slinging his bag over his shoulder while juggling with the textbooks he was carrying.

Riley heard him but she kept going, pushing and shoving her way through the sea of high schoolers. It was Friday and everyone was in a rush to get their weekend started. She easily disappeared into the crowd and was finally able to lose Farkle.

Making her way outside Riley headed to the subway. Farkle never took the subway because his mom thought it was too dangerous. Instead she had a driver pick him up and drop him off. Farkle hated it, so he forced the driver to leave him a block away from the school preferring not to be known as the spoiled rich kid. Riley enjoyed teasing him but she couldn't lie, ice-cream runs were a lot easier when one of your friends had a personal driver.

Rushing onto the subway she found an empty spot, plugging in her headphones she settled in for the ride. Riley stared out the window seeing nothing but a blur of dark tunnels. Involuntarily her mind drifted to Farkle.

Farkle, the boy she'd met in the first grade after he'd squeezed his orange juice carton so hard he'd drenched both Riley and Maya who were sitting one table away. After stopping Maya from killing Farkle a friendship had been born. One that had developed from acquaintances to best friends. Now that they were in their senior year of high school Riley couldn't help but yearn for something more. She didn't know when it'd happened but somewhere along the way she'd fallen for him. Riley Matthews was not a girl who did things by halves, she'd fallen hard.

She couldn't pinpoint the exact moment. It could have been in the third grade when he'd gently picked her off the ground after her unsuccessful attempt to fly. Farkle had gently bandaged her knee and given it a small kiss because "love makes everything better."

Or maybe it was in the ninth grade. Together they had become Thespians but since they were mere freshmen they spent the whole production of Beauty and the Beast painting sets for the upperclassmen. Late night's afterschool and early morning study sessions had them seeing more and more of each other. It wasn't odd to see Riley Matthews and Farkle Minkus both splattered in paint having a late dinner at the Night Hawk diner.

Or maybe it was this year when all the stress of college applications and AP classes became too much to handle Farkle was immediately there with his laptop and popcorn. They would spend the night watching Disney movies, temporarily forgetting about their responsibilities. Snuggled into his side Riley felt safe and protected. Even if the next day he would laugh and rub her stomach telling her that maybe she shouldn't have eaten so much popcorn.

It hadn't been loud, it hadn't been obvious. But Riley Matthews had fallen in love with Farkle Minkus.

Riley knew she was playing a twisted version of hide and seek but she was determined not to be found. Not until she could rein her emotions back in. Love could powerful but it could also be a debilitating thing. Third grade Farkle might have believed in love but Riley knew for a fact that this Farkle had seen how under the guise of love his parents had torn each other to shreds.

Riley found herself putting more and more distance between her and Farkle. Riley would get to school right before the late bell leaving Farkle no time to talk to her. Since her dad was no longer their teacher Farkle couldn't talk to her during class. Their new teacher wasn't a big fan of interruptions. Lunch was spent with her dad helping him grade papers. After a three year streak of study dates Farkle was left with a string of broken study dates and no answers to his questions. Riley knew Farkle was becoming increasingly confused but she couldn't find the words to explain her actions.

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