#005 "I don't want to get up-you're fluffy."

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I'm glad everyone liked my last post thank you to those of you who commented and voted. Even if all you did was read thank you as well!

Okay onto the part everyone cares about.

Let me just say that I've never waltzed in my life and I got the basics off WikiHow so don't crucify me if I got something wrong. I wrote this today in about two hours but honestly this is one of my favorites so far.

Mentions of Lucas x Maya.

Word Count: 1,180

Rated K+: It's not that bad but it's also not innocent innocent fluffy

#005 "I don't want to get up—you're fluffy."

"Riley this is impossible," Farkle wined. Dropping her hand, he let out an exasperated groan. "I'm never going to learn how to waltz in time for the wedding."

The two of them were in Farkle's spacious apartment working on some last minute choreography for Lucas and Maya's wedding. Maya insisted that she wanted her wedding party to have at least one dance together, much to Farkle's dismay. Since Farkle was the best man and Riley the maid of honor they would be dancing together.

"Farkle Minkus I will not allow you to give up. Now, put your hand on my back and we'll take it from the top." No longer a klutzy eight grader, Riley had made it her personal mission to teach Farkle how to dance.

Farkle looked like he might protest but after a glance at Riley's face he thought better of it.

Dutifully he took Riley's right hand in his left. "Good." Riley placed her hand on his shoulder blade, "Remember, keep your back straight." Starting the music, they were off. Farkle managed a couple of steps before stumbling.

"You're not counting," Riley scolded as they resumed their positions. "You have to count."

"I can't count and not trip at the same time," Farkle snapped. Riley let his tone slide, chalking it off to frustration. They'd been at it all afternoon and he'd yet to make any progress.

They started dancing again, this time with Farkle counting under his breath.

1-2-3 1-2-3

"Elbows up," Riley reminded him.

Together they glided around the room following the beat of the music.

Riley giggled inwardly at the look of concentration on Farkle's face. His brow was furrowed, gaze trained on their feet. His lips moved but no sound came out.

1-2-3 1-2-3

He looked...cute.

The thought caused her to falter. Riley stepped with her left foot instead of her right and in a mess of arms and limbs they both went tumbling down. Farkle twisted, maneuvering her on top of him, cushioning the brunt of her fall. Groaning he closed his eyes.

"Can I give up now?"

Riley giggled nervously, this was all her fault. He didn't need to know her lack of focus on the dance and extreme interest in him had caused this mess.

They both lay on the floor catching their breath. Farkle always did the recommended thirty minutes of daily exercise but it was nothing compared to dancing.

After a few moments Farkle finally registered the weight on his chest.



"Can I get up now?"

"I don't wanna get up—you're fluffy." Riley snuggled further into his chest. "You're fluffier than Hazel the Hippo." Riley remarked.

Riarkle One Shots - 101 Fluffy PromptsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora