1. Spring Chic

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Erin shook her head clearly disappointed in me.  "You can do better, TJ. How many times can you possibly write about spring trends? Kinda gettin' bored here." Erin closed her laptop and swirled her fancy executive swivel chair around to face the window.

"What else can I write about? Spring trends are sort of my thing."

"TJ," Erin snapped. "It's fall."

"Well whatever. You have to be prepared," I insisted.

"Prepared to be fired."

My heart sank at that comment. "Erin, no! I just got here two months ago!"

"And you haven't written a decent article since. You're lucky I believe in you."

Erin has believed in me since day one which is huge because here at En Fleek Magazine, Erin the Evil Editor never believes in anyone. Except for me. Silly little TJ Terrell. I do write more than just spring chic articles but that's all I can think about at the moment.

"You know what we need?" Erin asked standing from her leather thrown.


"A celebrity article. We haven't had one since Carly Rae Jepsen's 'Call Me Maybe' and that was a long time ago. We need someone fresh. On fleek, if you will," she stated.

"You know who'd be cool? Drake," I sighed. "He's like a hero to us. He is the 6 god."

"Oh ok. Yeah. When you can find Drake and get an interview tell me because it must mean the end is near. TJ, you are never going to find Drake. Ever."

"Well thanks for the support," I mumbled.

"And besides, his music is far from decent and don't even get me started on those stupid dance moves from 'Hotline Bling'," Erin scoffed.

"Well, he's cute so it makes up for everything," I sighed. His eyes seem like they're full of love for you even when I'm watching him on my phone.

"Honestly, Drake makes me not want to be Canadian," Erin said dryly.

"What?!" That was an insult to me.

"Look, if you can find a celebrity and get a decent interview, go for it. I know you can write, TJ. Just quit writing about stupid stuff like spring chic."

"Sorry. I'll do better."

"Good. Now go away. I've got work to do."

I nodded and watched Erin open her file drawer and pull a stack of papers from a Manila folder. That was my cue to leave.
All during lunch, I was looking for a decent subject for my article. A celebrity interview sounded like the most ideal way to start my career as a journalist here, but I don't know anyone who knows anyone. I'd just moved to Toronto last year and my only friend was a kid from seventh grade,  Monty.

"Knock, knock!" Monty chimed, opening the door to my office.

"Monty!" I squealed. "Come in!"

Monty smiled and scurried to my desk. "I brought you the good food from downstairs because I know you're busy doing nothing." He took off his messenger bag and unpacked.

"Oh my god! What did you do?!" I laughed as he unpacked a buffet from his bag.

"I thought you'd be hungry. You haven't replied to any of my texts."

"Well I am hungry." I took the bowl of fettuccine Alfredo. "I've got a project."

"Ooh what?"

"I need a celebrity interview but I don't know anyone."

Monty nodded and settled into the chair across from my desk. "Is it mandatory?"

"No, but Erin said it'd be a good idea."

"What about...Justin Bieber?"

"Pass. I was thinking more along the lines of a Canadian hero. Someone who every Canadian cannot get enough of."

"You want Drake huh?" Monty laughed.

"Too much? Please say you know someone," I begged.

"Lucky for you, my brother works at the Air Canada Centre where the Raptors play. Drake goes to literally every game and I believe they're playing Saturday. And I think my brother's coworker's brother's barber's barista at Starbucks knows Drake's shoe cleaner."

I was frozen. This is a huge deal. "Oh my goodness. Monty, that's great! Do you think you could...?"

"Of course, TJ. Why would I not?"

I shrugged. "Call your brother."


"No, Monty. Later. Yes, now! Hurry up!"

Monty stuffed the rest of his forkful of salad into his mouth and pulled out his phone.

I watched anxiously as he talked to his brother and asked for a favor for a "good friend". Monty's lived in Toronto for years now. After middle school, he moved because his dad got a new job. Monty isn't exactly an extravert, but everyone he meets loves him. Especially girls. But he claims he's staying single forever.

"Consider it done," he said hanging up. "My brother said he'll talk to his coworker."

"Monty!!!" I screamed. "This is great! Thank you so much!" I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed the life out of him. He truly is a lifesaver.

I wanted to tell Erin about my connection, but I figured that she'd be happier if it was a surprise. All these fantasies about a blossoming friendship with the actual Drake started popping in my head. I had to keep reminding myself that I would probably just do the interview and be done. Monty wants him to ask me out but that's highly unlikely. Drake would never be interested in me. I was just another journalist looking for another interview to jumpstart my career. But a little romance never killed anyone.

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