Part 17

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I was still mad. Who did they think they are,running in here acting like they owned the place. " babe you need to calm down your making it rain." I looked up and Blake was right. When I'm happy it's sunny and when I'm pissed off it rains & lightings. " I wonder who they are I mean I know their rogues but I ain't be never seen them before." I said" I don't no babe lets go see who they are."


She is so mad right now. I calmed her down a little but she's still mad. I seen them before but I can't place them . When we got to the cells Miley ran over to them screaming asking who they where.


Did you see her she was mighty fine I tell ya! I said to my brother" I know she looked even hot her when she's mad." " crap, shut up here she comes." "WHO ARE YOU AND WHY DID YOU ATTACK ME !" Man she's hot. A strong growl filled the room. I guess Mr. Jealous is her mate. Lucky! . Well we was sent by our leader to worn you to watch out." I said while my brother was checking out Miley. Yea I know weird that know her. " who is your leader and why does he want me so much yea I know about him spying on me I wasn't born yesterday." How the heck did she know he was spying this girl is smart.


they almost blowed the plan out the window. Miley will be mine and she will like it. Now I have to go. I have to spy on my girl.


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I didnt mean it      ( Completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ