Part 19

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I had to get out of the house. Walking helps me think I just can't be in there right I want to know who the ass is that's following me. I have some clues but I don't think it's going to add up to anyone I know. " hey Miley wait up!" Yelled Zane. " hey what are you doing out here." I asked. " nothing much so why did ou leave the pack house?" He asked " I couldn't take it in there anymore!" I said " cool but you know you better watch out bad people are out there that want you." He said to me in a creepy voice. Where have to heard that creepy voice before " you better watch out" I asked my wolf." I don't no but I don't like it GO WE NEED TO GO." My wolf screamed. " I'm sorry but I have to go." I said in a hurry " oh okay but..." Zane walked closer and came to my ear. " but you better watch out we are comeing." He whispered in my ear . " what did you just say to me ." I screamed but he was gone. What the truck was that about. My phone ringed


" yea who is this"

" it's Harry Miley hurry the rouges are attacking!!

IM ON MY WAY " I ran so fast to I was probily faster then sound.

I made it home and it was a horrible site. I immediately went and fought. One rogue bite my leg. Heck no nobody bites me. " unless it's our mate." Said my wolf. " no time for talking." I said. I turned and bite the wolfs neck. It whimpered and feel to the ground. I was mad lighting is in the night sky. Thunder booming in the dark. Ground shaking like a earthquake. Another rogue came running at me. I left end up my hand and lighting came out of my palms and struck the rogue. It was a goner. Lighting has never came from my palms before . COOL. MILEY HELP!" Yelled Drake. I ran and got the wolf from his back and killed it with lighting again. " HOW THE HECK DID YOU DO THAT LIGHTING IS SUPPOSE TO BE INTHE SKY NOT IN YOUR HAND!" Yelled Drake. Rogues was comeing out every where. Our three packs was doing awesome till this one rogue came out of nowhere and attacked me. MILEY !" Screamed Blake. I looked in to the eyes of the rogue. I have seen them before then it hit me OMG I can't believe it. But it was to late they dragged me . My white fur had mudd all over it. If they think I'm cleaning it they are mistaking. " you better clean my fur you bitch." I said. They just looked at me and continued to drag me. I still can't believe it why would they do this. Then every.thing went black


I have her and she knows who I am now. I don't care I just want her in my arms. I knocked her out. I didn't want to but ...

I didnt mean it      ( Completed)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum