I didn't mean it

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Why did I do that , she's my mate and I rejected her. I'm so Stupied why . All the things that was going through my head was my beautiful mate. Yes I know your probitliy like " your the one who rejected her." I have a good reason to reject her though I just hope it's the right choice. Rogues was getting ready to attack the Stone Ridge Pack that's why me and my soon to be pack came here. I just wanted to protect Miley from the rogues. I was a player in school but when I saw my mate I fell in love with her. I rejected her but I will love her I hope she will give me a chance to explain why I did wht I did.

When I saw her walk away I knew there that I want her to be mine forever. I started to yell her name, but she ran faster. Man can she run. I just realised I might have just lost her. I think I remember what Alpha Drakes packs address is. I ran to her house in wolf form. " Alpha Blake what brings you here?" asked Alpha Drake " My mate is here in this pack her name is Miley Hamilton." I said " oh okay I think she's in her room first door on your left." " thanks" I ran up to her room and somethings was gone I could tell. You now when you feel like something bad happened ? Yea I feel that right now. I saw a piece of paper on her bed it was a note. I read the note over and over I did this my

Mate is some where out there and the rogues Are waiting for their attack date. My wolf cried for his mate to come back. He was screaming at me sayi

g it was my fault and it was I hope she's okay. " is everything okay Blake?" Drake asked " No " I made a Stupied mistake by rejecting Miley and now she ran away.

I handed him te not and he read it. He punched me in the face i guess I should've seen that comeing. He stormed out of the room and left me in there in Mileys room. I layed down on her bed and smelled the sheets " Mmm smells like oranges" I know one thing that Miley is right about and that is I will regret rejecting her BIG TIME. " Yes you will" my wolf said, I fell asleep on Mileys bed.

I didnt mean it      ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now