I didn't mean it -----part 8

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Yay! I can't wait for training. U want to see what " powers" I have. Me and the boys are out on the field getting ready. " okay Miley me and Nate are going to show you how you stand when you fight." Harry said. " kk" was all I said. They got in to there fighting stands and I counted to 3.




I watched as they fought Nate was bleeding and so was Harry. Let me tell you,2 sweaty hot guys fighting is a sight to see. Harry was getting ready to put Nate in a head lock but Nate got to him before he could. Harry tapped the ground 2 times as in saying stop. " Okay boys you can stop now." let's see you try and fight since your " so powerful" Zane said in a sarcastic way. " bring it pretty boy!" " oh I will."

" okay Miley remember, get in your stance and put knees apart a little don't lock up, put your-". " I want to try this on my own for right now." Nate backed off fast after I said that.




Zane jump and almost got me but I moved quickly away. " how did you do that." " talent". I jump and tackled Zane to the ground and had him in a head lock. He got lose and tackled me but as soon and I touched the ground i jumped up. Zane threw a punch at me but I kicked his hand away. Then I thought about something that would really throw him off.......


Me and Drake decided to call the Dawn of the moon pack for help, but we are going to train a little so our pack don't seem that weak. I keep getting pains in my knees and head I guess Miley is fighting. I hope she is okay where ever she is.


holy crap on toast! Miley is beating the crap out of Zane. She is so manly that it's scary. Mileys mind was open not to Zane of course, but it was open so I listened.

It is a awesome thought. She is so sneaky we are going to have to watch her.


She's beating the life out of me!! It looked like she was thinking about something. Oh no this is not good.

I didnt mean it      ( Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora