Case 1 Chapter 6: Invasion!

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Mario POV:
One thing I did not calculate is the following event...
"What do we do when we get there?" Asked Peach, her beautiful golden silky hair blowing in the lush breeze... I mean asked Peach

"Just look for clues I guess..." I replied. The trip was long and no noise was heard but the rickety wheels of the cart. At least until the...

"Boos!" Screamed Toad. We all jump up in fright as Yoshi scrapped to a stop in front of a wall of boos, recently formed right in front of us. Peach decided to take charge.

"Luigi, get your pulter-gust on full and fire!" She shouted over the noise of a panicking Yoshi. But the pulter-gust had a mere effect on the large wall of white ghosts. Then I thought quickly. Quicker than I ever thought before. Quicker than the speed of light

I opened my fist out wide. I fired a large fireball towards the boo wall. However I was not intending to hit them. The fireball turned right around and inserted itself into the still sucking pulter-gust. I then remembered my F.L.U.D.D. I turned it to max and placed it next to the pulter-gust and switched both to BLOW instead of SUCK.

Aim... and... FIRE AND WATER!

The fireball from inside the pulter-gust blew out creating a fiery wind, whilst the F.L .U.D.D  squirted high-power rapids towards the wall. Within 30 seconds the boos either died or fled.

"Mario! You saved our lives!" Said Peach running up to me and embracing me into a big hug. Well fancy that! the girl I like hugging me through mysteries! Maybe this mystery gang will bring us very close...

A/N Sorry. I had to add the fire and water pun!

Mario MysteriesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ