Prologue Chapter: You've got Mail!

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??? POV:

At 11:00 o'clock I arrive at the princess' castle. Paratrooper put mail in her mailbox  so I decided to bring it to her. I walk in, knowing I'm invited, and call her name. Peach opened the big doors on the second storey and slowly stepped down the long, red stairs, her beautiful blonde hair waving about. I've always had a crush on her but I do not have the courage, which is sad since I've pummeled a giant tortoise dino thing 200 or so times.

"Goodmorning Mario" Peach greeted me in a polite manner as I handed her the letter "What's this?"

"I saw it in your mailbox" I explained "It's for you!"

"Oh I saw some mail in your mailbox. Since I knew you were coming I thought I'd give it to you now." Peach informed me.

We handed eachother our envelopes and quickly scratched them open. Just then Luigi and Toad came into the building.

"We've got mail too!" Toad shouted excitedly.

"You were eavesdropping!" Peach exclaimed in disgust.

"Um... no..." Luigi said. He was lying. I'm his brother. I would know. But I didn't want to disappoint the princess so I said nothing.

"Let's all open them together!" I suggested changing the topic.

We did just that. We all had burned scrolls with a red ribbon wrapped around. When we opened them we all said in unison...

"Dear reciever..."

Cliffhanger! And it's on the first chapter. Why did they all say the sames thing. What does the letter say. Stay tuned to find out. The first chapter is intentionally small so it's more of a prologue.

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