' Well let's go, we can't sit and wait here all day' i said while grabbing my keys and running to my car.

' But we have no idea where she is? ' They both almost yelled at me. I thought back to the abandonned cabin Skylar was spying. I just pray thet she's there. I can't stand waiting here and just not knowing where she is. I need to find her, I need to save her, i just .. I need to see her smile again. I can't explain ...

' I might know, come on, hop in. ' I rushed them all to my kcar and drove to the park I was last running in. I tried to park my car as close to the alleyway without it being noticed or without it looking peculiar or suspicious.

' Here, take it. ' Ryan said after he tucked his own gun in his waistband. ' We might need it and we don't want you to be unarmed. Do you know how to fire a gun? ' He asked.

' Yeah, saw it countless times in movies' I said after unlocking and locking the safety again. Let's just hope we won't have to use it... because I don't think they will hesitate one second when it comes to shooting me or anyone at that point. Just like Justin and Ryan I tucked the cold weapon in my waistband and led them to the ally.

' If we round the corner here we will be in a straight line with the house I think they're keeping her in. But the way is long and there's not much to hide behind so we have to be quick and careful.' I told them while turning my head to the house. You could see some cars lined up behind the house and just as I expected, there was a fire red car. Jake's car.

I knew that guy wasn't to be trusted. If Ryan took him too than his car wouldn't be neatly lined up with the rest of them. They don't care enough about his crappy car to take it so the only other option is that he came here willingly.

That fùcking bastard.

' Guys, I think Jake's working with them...' I whispered to them even though they couldn't hear us even if we shouted. Nerves...

' Why would you say that ? Jake's been one of her best friends. They've been close since the beginning... ' Ryan countered. Which is pretty understandable, he is a member of their gang after all.

' Yeah but hear me out. Riley doesn't care about his car so if he would've kidnapped them both, he would've left the car. Or even damage it. But it's neatly lined up with the others which makes me think he came here willingly.' I really hope they'll consider believing me .. because if he really helps Riley, we can be in some real deep shit ..

' Could be .. but since we're not sure, we don't shoot on Jake. You can knock him out though,we'll question him later. ' Well at least it's something.

' Okay good, i suggest we move quickly and make a lot of eye contact. Use the well known signs and only shoot in case of emergency. ' Justin instructed.

' Go ' I whispered beofor running through the gravel way. I ran as fast and swift as i could and crouched down behind the first bush i saw. Not much coverage but it would have to do. I felt the midday sun burn against my forehead. Even though it was very hot outside, the metal of the gun felt cold against my back. As if it was already cursed with murder...

I quickly shook the thought off me and saw that Justin and Ryan were behind a piece of metal laying around signing me that the coast was clear and now was the time to move. I started running again, this time straight towards the house. I didn't stop until I was crouched against the side of the building. From there I could see that the boys followed me and were on their way to come up beside me. I tried to look through the dirty window I was crouched under without being noticed.

I saw Riley standing in front of someone, I couldn't quite see who. I saw some other people, probably from his gang and .. Jake.

' Psst, Justin,' I nudged him beside me ' I'm afraid that my theory is right. Jake is just standing there with them. I think that if he would have been captured, he wouldn't be just standing there.' I really hope he'll believe me now, because I sure am fucking sure. That bastard kidnapped my Skylar and he won't get away with it.

' I believe you, but we knock him out, not shoot him. ' That actually seems fair.

' Let's go while we still have the act of surprise on our side.' I whispered.

I gripped my gun tight and whipped the sweat off my forehead one last time before standing up.

' It's time.'


' Are you sure you don't want my piece of bread too?' Derek asked while dangling the pathetic thing he called bread in front of me.

' No I'm fine, you have it.' I'm actually not as fine as I should be. It's only been three days yet I feel my muscles ace for movement, my belly was so empty and it was starting to have an effect. I gave my food to Derek these past days saying I could still hang on with what I ate before Jake took me. We only got food once a day, if you even could call it food. Three days in a row me had gotten some dry lumps of bread.

' How did you survive here all these years? ' I put my head in the nape of his neck, where it has been a lot these three days. We actually talked a lot, mostly me talking. We didn't get enough water and Derek was severely dehydrated, so talking was a hard job for him. But he managed.

I told him about how I grew up to what I was right now, I told him about school, about how I was a good girl to live up to everyone's expectations and how I became a gang girl to live up to him, to keep him alive. I told him about the guys, Gabe, ...

I miss them. I really do...

' I had to, I had to keep myself alive for you. I knew you were alone, and scared and I needed to keep myself alive to come back to you. to take care of you again.

Even if I wanted to answer to that, I couldn't. I wouldn't know what to say and luckily I was interrupted by tumult upstairs.

' Something's going on upstairs Derek. What do you think it is? ' I asked him partly to change the subject.

' I have no idea. I haven't had anything like it in years...' he said while trying to get up. ' It must be something good.' He was really struggling to get up so I helped him. He put his arm around me and I got him up. He was incredibly light ... I can't believe what they have done to him.. My dear brother...

Before I could even think something or wonder what the hell was happening upstairs, there was a loud bonking against the door. But it's locked ... no way someone would get in without a key ... the key Jake had.

' SKYLAR' someone called

' SKYLAR, ARE YOU THERE?' The voice sounded oddly like ....

' Connor is that you?'


i really hope you guys are happy. I made an extra long update and worked my a s s off for you !! 

I also want to dedicate Sarahyaqoob. Please read her story! she's a very promising writer and a good friend of mine even though we live miles apart. 

god bless wattpad. 


i have two options 

1) the end is near and i wil probably end the story in a few chapters.

2) i work some more and work out another aspect of the story with like another 20 chapters.


please comment. 




just please dont hate ;) ( or i will smother you with my love and kittens ) 

thank you :) 

i love you all 

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