Chapter 1 ~Sam, you idiot

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A/N: HEY! Okay please remember to Vote and Comment. I really need the support! Plus I want to know what you guys think. How am I doing? Do you like my new writing style? Should I continue to use this style? And so on :) thank you for everything and I hope you enjoy chapter 1

Love ~ Kris

Chapter 1

~Sam, you idiot

        Sam wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we walked carelessly into Millissa’s mansion. People watched us carefully as we approached the doors, ready to party. The second we stepped inside, I was abandoned. Sam walked off, spinning his tail between his fingers and smirking. I rolled my eyes at him and headed straight for the mini bar on the other side of the room. It didn’t really bother me when he left; I was so used to it since he did it all the time.

        I sat down on one of the many blue stools, resting my arms on the edge of the wooden bar top. I thought this was going to be the best night of my life, but right now, it’s as boring as hell! I was expecting to be dancing like crazy with a bunch of my friends, but they all seemed a little preoccupied with the crowd of people around them, flirting and what not.

        I felt someone staring at me, making the hairs on my neck stand up on end. “Wow… you look… sexy…” Ryan, the neighborhood dick, sat down on the stool next to mine. He leant back against the bar, staring out at the crowd of people wearing costumes and dancing with each other. “Your name’s Mariah, right?” He glanced over at me, looking me over like I was a piece of meat.

        My jaw dropped instantly as the words escaped that moron’s lips. This was why every girl hated him so much. He could never remember a single girl’s name, always calling them by another name only to piss them off. “It’s Myra…” Well, at least he remembered what it started with. But still, I’ve never really liked this guy in the first place.

        “Sorry, Myra…” He tired to hold back a laugh but failed at it horribly. After he calmed himself down from his not-so-funny laughing jag, he coughed and stared at me again. “Anyways, I heard there was an open room just upstairs…”

        I gave him a disgusted look and clenched my fists, ready to punch him right in the face. I quickly calmed myself down and jumped off the stool. I didn’t want to fight someone who wasn’t worth it. He tried to grab my hand but I was gone before he could even lay a hand on my.

        He ran after me as I walked swiftly down the hallway into the living room where most of the people were partying. I instantly spotted Sam grinding with a girl I didn’t know and he probably just met. And she just happened to be wearing a slutty playboy bunny costume. Figures.

        Frankly, he looked like he was have fun and I didn’t want to bother him, but this was kind of important.

        I hesitantly strolled over to him and yanked on his arm a little, pleading for him to stop for a second so I could talk to him. He groaned and turned to me, a little irritated. “What is it Mi? I’m kind of busy if you can’t tell…” He set his hands on his hips, giving off a frustrated and annoyed vibe.

        “Just thought you would like to know… you know…” I pointed at Ryan with my eyes as he slowly grew closer.

        Sam sighed heavily and ran his fingers through his slightly spiked dirty blonde hair. He turned to Ryan as the creep approached us. “Hey Ryan…” Sam smiled and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. “This girl…” He patted me on the head, messing up my hair a little, but I didn’t really mind at all. “She’s mine. You touch her, you’re dead.” He growled, clenching his teeth with fake anger.

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