diner and trip to the supermarket

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Right lets start to plan this, after dinner I will go to the shops and get all supplies I need.

"Hey Maggie, dinners ready" my dad says from the door

"okay one sec" I reply. I make my way to the dinning room to find everyone sitting down and oh look the only space left is next to Luke typical. I sit down and he smirks at me this is going to be interesting. 

"We are having lamb chops for dinner so everyone dig in" my mum says

Once everyone has got there food Luke whispers to me "I see you changed out of your wet t-shirt"
" it's  a shame I quite liked looking at your bra"


"Im glad you liked it" i said sarcastically

He smirked and then said "is that an invitation to have sex with you"

"Well your just have to wait and find out" I smirked back he then put his hand on my thigh WAIT WHAT why the hell did he do that. I then looked a crossed the room to find Alec smirking and whispering to Calum and that's when it hit me This is all a prank, well bring it on.

His hand then move further up my thigh WHAT THE HELL DO I DO

" Maggie can you help your mother bring the plates to the kitchen" my dad said and with that I shot up and ran to the kitchen.

After dinner I made a list of all stuff I needed to get and told my mum I was going to the shops she said I could only go if a got some groceries for her which I agreed to. She handed me a list of stuff to get and it went on for ages oh god

"Here honey take my card to pay for the groceries" my mum said I of course agreed

Luke's pov

I was kinda upset that maggies mum Annie called her to the kitchen I was enjoying what I was doing to her and her reaction. Even though this is all a bet I can't help thinking how hot she is and how good she must be in bed.

I tried to hook up with Maggie last year but she just ignored me and said she wasn't interested. Alex told
me it's because she hates me and thinks I'm a fuck boy and she's just really stubborn but for some reason I could
get over the thought of someone not wanting me. after a few weeks I get it over her and moved onto someone else. I didn't like her I just thought she would be a good bang.

When Alec asked me to come
on this trip with his family, I immediately  thought of Maggie and how this would be the perfect chance to get her to fall for me so I can brake her heart. I know that sounds mean but I have a repretasion to keep up and for some reason I can't deal with Maggie not wanting me.

Alec knows I want to bang her and he's not okay with it. He thinks I'm stupid for going after her because she so stubborn that she will never fall for me an that she can see through my so called act.

That's why him and cal were laughing at me at dinner they think I'm trying to hard.

After dinner once everything was cleared up the boys and I went to our room, Maggie had gone out somewhere and her parents were outside by the fire.

"what's going on with you and my sister" Alec asked casually

"Nothing" I mumbled

"Really that's not what it looked like at dinner" Alec sniggered " It looked like you were trying to flirt with her"

" Shut up" I grumble back

"look luke she's not stupid she knows all you want to do is bang and leave" Alec says

" yeah I know" I mumble back, Alec is really getting on my nerves, I don't get why he's so concerned it's not like he cares when her first boyfriend left her for her best friend.

Maggies pov

When I got to the supper market I grabbed my list and began searching for things i need.

"right three more things" i whispered to my self

"can i help you with anything" oh shit did they here me talking to my self

"um what sorry" i stumbled, i look around to see who said that and found i really hot boy sanding in front of me.

"oh i just heard you talk to your self and thought you might need some help"he replied awkwardly

"oh right, um yeah um could you show me where could find alarm clocks, wasabi and sticky notes please"i smile awkwardly that must of sounded so weird to him

"yeah sure"he laughed. god he has a nice laugh... he looked into my basket with a questioning face "you are either pranking someone or frowing a really weird party" he laughed

"yeah I'm pranking my brother and his friends" i reply

"right" he laughed "what did they do to you" he asked

"they woke me up then through me into i freezing cold lake lets just say they are going to die"i smiled evilly

once i got all my supplies plus the number of that really cute guy who's name i found out was ashton i headed home.

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