The car journey

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Maggie's POV

"MAGGIE GET YOUR ARSE DOWN HERE AT ONCE" I mentally sigh as my mother screams my name from the bottom of the stairs. "WE ARE LEAVING, HURRY UP"

"okay, okay I'm coming know need to get your panties in a twist!" i say as I'm doing a quick check to make sure i have got everything. I grab my phone and charger which i can not live without, i look around my room one more time and head down stairs.

"took you long enough" my annoying little brother says as reach the bottom of the stairs.

"Fuck off Jake, I'm not in the mood" i mumble under my breath but somehow my mother managed to hear.

"Language" my mum scauld at me. i swear she must have super hearing or something.

As i was getting into the car i remember something i ran out and luckily my dad hadn't locked up get, i ran past him and up to my room. i searched everywhere but i couldn't find it, then i looked in my wardrobe and there it was, in amongst pile of clothes that i couldn't be bothered to put away, my prize persuasion, my skateboard.

As i was walking down the stairs i saw my dad by the door with an angry expression on his face.

"what the hell was that for, you almost made me spill my coffee" my dad growled.

"but you didn't" i replied walking past him. i really shouldn't have said that, i know how much my dad loves coffee, he can't function without it. Our family all have this silent agreement that you don't make my dad angry before he has had coffee or your day is going to be hell.

"honey we are going to be even more late now, i don't see why you had to get your skateboard" did she seriously just go there.

"Mum you know how much i love my skateboard heck, i love it even more then my phone and you know how much i love my phone." i snapped back

"okay whatever lets just go"my mum huffed. "i just got i text from Alec saying that him, Calum and Luke are already there" my mum said and i mentally face plant

This is going to be hell. Don't get me wrong i love camping but not with my brother he just teases me the whole time. When i found out that he was inviting two of his friends i screamed, i already knew who it would be as their round our house all the time but i ignore them most of the time but now I'm with them for 4 weeks i think I'm might die. Not only that but they are ignorant arses all 3 off them. they basically run our school fucking anything that they lay eyes on. yeah calum and luke might be really hot but they are retards.

i got cut of by my thoughts when Jake shouts 'are we nearly there get'

"2 more hours love" my mum replies

oh great 2 hours of listening to my mum sing along to taylor swift kill me now. Don't get me wrong I'm not dissing taylor swift she can sing but personally i prefer to listen to green day or something. i dig around in my bag to try and find some earphone and finally i find some my life is saved. i put them into my phone and listen to blink-182 and while I'm listening to all the small things i fall asleep.

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