"No, no, this is better," he sat up and smiled excitedly, "and you know I had nothing to do with the plates, I just let Zayn use my dad's printing office; he didn't tell me what for."

"You're an accomplice," I pushed him so he was laying flat against my bed again, "Will you tell me what you planned for my birthday?"

"No, it's a surprise," he crossed his arms childishly.

"Fine, I'll just seduce Lima into telling me," I shot back.

"Liam's straight," he shook his head.

"Fine, I'll guilt him into telling me,"

"They don't know," Niall nearly laughed in my face, "and now that I know your just going to try to get them to tell you, I'm not going to tell them."

"Don't be an ass Niall!" I fought against him, trying to get him out of my bed. It was futile, but at least I tried.

"No," he flicked my feet.

"You need to apologize to Harry by the way," I kicked him to get him as far from me as I could. Disgusting trash.

"Why?" He made a face.

"You called him a twink," I kicked him again, "He's very upset about it,"

"Yeah I would be too, if I were a twink!" Niall laughed and leaned back.

"Niall, c'mon be decent to him," I sat up, serious now. "He's really torn up about it and he doesn't want to meet any of you guys because he thinks you're going to call him names,"

"When did I even call him a twink?" He rubbed his eyes.

"When we were moving boxes," I rolled my eyes, "You walked in and called him a twink,"

"Do you want me to apologize?"

"Yes, that's what I just said you useless rodent,"

"Fine, I'll apologize right now, is he home?" He stood up and walked out my bedroom door.

"No, he's at work you idiot," I called after him, waiting for him to return to my room.

"When does he get off?"

"I don't know, he works at a club,"

"Well I knew that," Niall rolled his eyes.

"How?" I sat up. Are all my friends obsessed with Harry?

"Liam and Zayn," he replied. "Are you going to feed me, or like?"

"No I'm not going to feed you, if your hungry order a pizza or something,"

"What did you eat?"

"Pizza," I threw my phone at him so he could call.

"For breakfast?"

"It's nearly midnight Niall,"

"Still..." He mumbled, dialing numbers, "Is there even anything open this time of day?"

"Yeah, shop around the corner is open 24/7," I answered, ignoring the urge to tell him that it was no longer day.

"I'm calling, and I'm getting pepperoni," he quirked an eyebrow at me as if it were a challenge.

Like, shut the fuck up Niall, I love pepperoni.

"You're only hurting yourself," I shot back, knowing he hates any type of sausage.

"No, you hate pepperoni as much as I do and you know it,"

I just rolled my eyes and let him order the fucking pizza that he'll spend 10 minutes pulling the pepperoni off of.





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