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{Star's POV}

We arrived at the entrance of an eerie forest. Dark green hunched stumps with rotting purple leaves spread for miles. There is some wildlife, and fortunately it looks harmless. "Cool, all we gotta do is walk through this and we're there!" I said. "No. Then we have the Swamp of Fears and Jungle of the Unknown," Dad commented. I frowned. We started our journey in pretty much a line. My dad was in the front, the two guards my dad brought were behind them, and Ferguson, Alfonso, Ponyhead, Marco and I were in back. "Hey dad, don't we get weapons?" I asked. "Oh yeah. Everyone get a weapon. Pull over here and get them," he replied, walking to the side of the path. The guards had the spears they brought, Ponyhead had her horn, My dad has a pistol, Ferguson and Alfonso both got AK47s, Marco got a wooden staff, and I got a bow and arrow. "We all good on weapons?" Dad asked. We all nodded as we secured them to our backs and returned to our journey. "Star I realized something," Marco said. "What?" I said curiously. "Well, you forgot the backpack will our supplies in it."
"Aww, I did. Now we gotta rely on our resources."
"It'll be fun, though."
"Guy's it's almost dark, we should find a place to camp," said a guard. My dad agreed and found a clear place to stop. We split up to get stuff to make shelter, fire, and food.

+++++++++TIEM SKEEP+++++++++

We all returned shortly after. I was apparently the only one who got food. "What is that?" Ferguson asked, noting my kill. "I dunno. I think it's a deer spider hybrid," I replied. We started making the shelter, that ended up looking like a tent with a leaf bottom. When camp was completely done, it ended up having a huge bonfire with log chairs. We sat around the pit, roasting pieces of the hybrid, in total silence. I hope someone will break the ice soon. "So Star," said my dad. "Yeah?" I replied, taking the meat off the stick and biting into it. "Who's your special someone?"
"Before you left for Earth your mother and I told you that unless you had a stable relationship with someone by age sixteen, you were to come back to Mewni." I completely forgot about that. I need a cover up story. "Marco would miss me. And he needs me. His parents died."
"Is this true, Diaz?" Marco nodded. At least he went along with it. "Star, are you lying?" I looked up from my food. "Nuh-uh."
"Is he Marco?"
"Nope." I stood up and walked into the tent. Marco looked hurt, but I had to say it. I eventually fell asleep to the crackling of the fire.

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