i. favourite song

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The Lucky One by Taylor Swift

A little bit about it: Well, this song was one of my favourites for awhile, and the idea for this story was stuck in my head for awhile. The lyrics of this song also made a big impression on me, made me think.

So, i hope you guys enjoy,

elizabeth ☆

Trigger lyrics:

Another name goes up in lights/like diamonds in the sky

And your secrets end up splashed on the news front page

And they tell you that you're lucky/But you're so confused/Cause you don't feel pretty, you just feel used/And all the young things line up to take your place/Another name goes up in lights/You wonder if you'll make it out alive

It was a few years later, I showed up here/and they still tell the legend of how you disappeared/How you took the money and your dignity and got the hell out

And it took some time but I understand it now


3:58 pm

"One cappuccino and a toasted cheese pizza," the waitress said, placing the order on the pristine white tablecloth that lay on the table in front of me.

"Uh, thank you, err, Jane," I say to the kind looking woman, glancing feverishly at her face. The fact that all the workers at 'Dandelion Cafe' were extremely nice was why I had offered the scout for us to meet there.

"Five pm and don't be late, oh, and remember to wear your best," Mr James had directed me, glancing at my scuffed denim shorts, worn converses and old band tee.

My shaking hands started to warm as I lifted the hot drink to my lips.

"Are you alright, sweetie?" the woman, Jane, asked. She looked in her late fifties and had a homey aura about her. "Yes, I-I'm fine," I told her with a slight smile. The seconds on the big wooden clock seemed to tick slower than ever. It was nearing four and the scout, 'Mr. James' and his boss were scheduled to arrive in at least an hour. I sighed, the moment was nearing, whatever Mr. James, and his boss would say, would change my life forever. Not only would it make my dreams come true, it would bring me closer to my aunt than ever.

4:07 pm

My nerves seemed to make me hungry somehow, because in the matter of minutes I had devoured my pizza until all that was left on the plate were a few scattered crumbs and a smear of ketchup. The hands of the large clock didn't move any faster, in fact it seemed slower than any other day when I'd sat in this same spot at Dandelions. But I definitely wasn't bored, I was scaring the wits out of myself thinking about what I would be saying, doing, feeling an hour later. Only was it then did I start to think about mother.

Mother, the one to cried herself to sleep the night before, begging me not to arrive at this very cafe that day. I didn't understand it, why? Why would my own mother not be supportive of my dream? Who I wanted to be? It was strange, the fights we had. It seemed the only thing we ever fought about, came down to Lauren. My mother's little sister. Lauren May, the one and only, my aunt, my idol. I could still recall every word said the night before,

"Ris, please don't go, please. I don't want to lose you like I lost Lauren." Tears were running down her face.

"Mom, you don't understand. You weren't the only one who lost Lauren that night, I did too, okay! How long will it take you to understand that?"

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