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it was about two hours of sitting in uncomfortable chairs later when the joseph brothers heard a loud crash from the front door and both looked up, meeting eyes with a man with brown hair.

he rushed up to the front counter, quick fire giving the secretary his name and business. she directed him over to the two disheveled brothers, getting back to her work within seconds of him walking in.

when the man turned around, tyler noticed his face was scarlet from the cold, hair windblown around his face. his coat was only half buttoned, eyes red and watery. tyler's throat immediately constricted. he turned away as he felt the man step over, throwing himself into a chair next to zack.

tyler could hear light sniffling as his face fell into his hands. his entire body shuddered with unheard sobs. minutes passed, the three boys keeping their positions as if they were statues.

"hey," whispered tyler, eyes still locked to the ground. the dude laughed a bit before wiping at his eyes, sitting up a bit.

"hey, i'm brendon. i'm here for my boyfriend, you?" he asked them gently. tyler nervously plucked at the rubber band that had permanently taken a spot on his wrist.

"tyler. and yeah, i had an accident. like a car accident, not... anyway, i'm only here to see how he turns out. i hope your boyfriend is okay," he rambled a bit, rhythmically pulling the band off his skin and snapping it back again. a red mark had started to form where the force was strongest, distracting tyler just a tad from the current situation. a doctor came out from the hallway, saving the bound to be awkward moment.

"anybody here for george ross?" she asked, scanning over the very much empty waiting room. brendon seemed to cringe a bit, but darted up nonetheless.

"what happened?" he asked, searching her eyes intently.

"his car was involved in a collision," she explained. tyler's head shot up immediately, his body shortly following. brendon glanced back at him, his jaw clenching ever so slightly.

"okay you three, follow me to george's room then," the doctor gestured with her hand, the boys following her.

"just ryan is fine, by the way," brendon spoke into the silence, breaking it for a short second. she nodded, marking something on her clipboard. after some walking through the near-empty hall she stopped at a room marked 310, opening the door and stepping in.

beep. beep. beep

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