He betrayed my heart:6

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Dear Journal,

He betrayed me. I had to run there is nothing left for me. He used me, my heart is broken I kissed him and now it's all over the secret was out and now he ran to someone else I just ran as far as I could now no-one could find me I am lost I can't be found I don't want to be found. His secret hurt he was taking orders from a different city a distance of a phone call away, Ashlynn who wanted to know what I did 24/7. How could he hurt me that bad? I thought I could trust him. I guess that's what I get for trying to love someone that I could never love again. I'm still crying over the fact that was used I'm used to it, you can say that's all I've had since the day I stepped into school everything was different because that's what I am different. How can I replace that kind of love? How can I ever trust someone with my heart again?

I'm prepared to loose anything I ever loved even you journal, you could runaway from me like I ran away from everything that loved me. I see what I've done to everyone that could or even did love me. For instance my mom, she wanted to be my best friend. I wouldn't except it. What have I done? Am I the one who has been hurting people instead of them hurting me? Is that why Ashlynn went away from me? Did I hurt her? How could someone trust me? She was watching me to see if I would hurt someone. Well I guess I did. Me, I hurt myself and others because I thought i was being hurt but is the hard truth i am the spoiled rich brat i am supposed to be. I am the monster.

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