Chapter Eight

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Anna's P.O.V.

Reed drags me farther into his arms and stands up, carrying me towards his bed. He places me down and turns around to look through his duffle bag.

What's he up to? After he said that beautiful, yet cryptic, statement, he hasn't said anything at else.

He turns back around with a t-shirt and pair of boxers in his hands, a mischievous look in his eyes.

Uh oh...

He stalks over to me and hands me the clothes.

What..? Why would I nee- oh... to sleep in...

I take them out of his hands and whisper thanks. He makes no move to leave so I turn around with my back facing him. I slowly unzip my dress revealing my light blue bra clasp. A growl erupts behind me and I peek over my shoulder. I watch his eyes darken. The same dark blue ones that are trained on my back.

Oh... I forgot about the scars...

I quickly pull his shirt over my head and replace my tights with his boxers. I don't really know what to do now. He probably doesn't even want me anymore, not to say he ever did but then again, why would I be here if he didn't. But I'm damaged. Just the thought of him leaving causes mass amounts of hurt and sadness to wash over me. I lower my head and turn back towards Reed, not daring to look him in the eyes. I walk by him and sit on the edge of the small bed, willing myself not to cry again.

The air around me is quiet, the only sound is Reed's deep breathing. I knew this wouldn't last, why did I even bother?

Chocolate and lemons surround my senses as Reed kneels in front of me and pulls me into him. Wait, what's he doing? He shifts us so I'm on his lap, my back to his chest. He leans back slightly, opening a gap between us. He's probably disgusted.

Tears sting at my eyes. I knew he didn't want me. Nobody wants the broken toy...

My thoughts are ceased as he slowly lifts my, well his, shirt over my head.

Now what's he-

I am once again cut from my thoughts as he leans down and places a gentle kiss on one of my scars. The tears finally spill as he kisses each one and I finally understand. He wants me.

There are hundreds of them, scars I mean. Each kiss causes another tear to fall. But they're happy tears... He's not going anywhere. When he gets to the last scar he leans his forehead on my back, his curly hair tickling me.

"Beautiful." He whispers against my back.

I feel the tears before I see them. He pulls me tightly to his chest and leans his head in the crook of my neck, softly crying. His arms are firmly secured around my stomach, just below my ribs. I lean my head on his and close my eyes.

"I couldn't protect you." He says into my neck, repeating it, each time quieter than before. He... he thinks this is his fault? Oh my... no.

"Reed, no," I grab his hands in mine, "how could you have known?"

I bring his hands to my lips and lightly kiss his knuckles, holding them to my chest tightly. He moves his hands and wraps his arms around my waist, picking me up. He places me under the blankets tucking them snugly around me, letting his scent fall around me. He kisses my forehead and starts walking to the couch. Where's he going!?

A small whimper escapes my lips and his eyes snap up to meet mine. I scoot over a little and smile innocently. I hope he gets the message. I really need him right now...

He does. He smirks and stalks towards me, throwing off his shirt as he does so.

Oh. My. Lord. I am not going to describe the masterpiece in front of me but... Just wow...

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