Chapter 7

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I didn't want to go with Will. But I'd feel to guilty to go with Kasey. I wasn't completely sure why I was feeling guilty. I mean Kasey and I weren't in a relationship or anything but I shouldn't have kissed Will. I didn't know it was Will, and I thought it was Kasey, but I should have made sure. I could have asked or somehow made absolutely certain that it was Kasey. I could have and should have, but it was to late. The meeting still wasn't finished. We, (well they) still had to form a useful and innovative way to get there and pull off the plan. I kept glancing at Will, each time to see him staring back at me. Three grueling hours had passed before we were released for good. In those long hours there was arguing, agreeing, opinions, and so much more. But none of these things were entertaining or amusing in any way. Every time I would try to listen, my brain would go back to what had happened with Will. I stood up, stretched, then began to walk. I knew it wouldn't be long before Will would approach me. I paced fast towards the exit. "I'm," Will started. I cut him off. I put my right hand up as if to stop him. I knew that Will felt guilty, so I was worried that he (out of guilt) would tell Kasey before we left. It was probably wrong of me to hope that Will was being tortured with this as much (if not more) as I was, but it didn't stop me. "Look," I began," I don't want to hear your apologies. But believe me when I say: if you tell Kasey what happened, before, during or sometime in between us fighting, I will kill you." As I said those words, my expression hardened. I couldn't let an ounce of emotion seep through, because I needed him to know I meant it. His face dropped. I knew my words effected him, I wasn't sure why, but I knew it to be true. "Okay." He said this so sternly, I was surprised. "I won't tell Kasey. You will when you feel it's right, and I'm ok with that. I feel guilty, for reasons you might disagree with. I feel guilty for holding hands with my brother's girl. I feel guilty for tricking you. But, I don't feel bad I did it. I am in love with you. When we held hands, I felt it. I'm not sure what 'it' was but I felt it. When you kissed me I felt it even stronger. I am sorry, I didn't mean it to hurt you. But, I am not sorry I did it. You may not feel the same but I know you felt it too." He began to back away slowly. These words made me blush, and made me want to beat him all at the same time. Will was now gone, and couldn't help but just stand there. I was so confused. I didn't know what I wanted, or what was going to happen. I was petrified and filled with fury. I began to cry. I fell to my knees. My mom rushed over and began to comfort me. I was crying not only because I had to fight, but because I had felt what Will was talking about. I was in love with Kasey. But now I felt something for Will. I was unfortunately stuck in a stupid love triangle. As infuriating as his words were, I knew they were all true. I had cleaned myself up, and walked over to Steve. He had just ended his conversation with someone and was now putting papers away into his briefcase. Holding back tears I managed to choke out," why me??" He looked at me then down then replied with," because you are the only one who could potentially get to your brother."

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