Chapter 18

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Even after the great time we had at the convention, Finnick still isn't very keen on Katniss. It seems impossible to me that he doesn't like her. In my mind, not liking Katniss Everdeen is just as unthinkable as it is for me to fall in love with Glimmer. I guess I should give him the right to his own opinion, to hate whoever he wants to hate, but hating Katniss goes way beyond the limits. It's not even understandeble, I like Katniss, and I never like other people. Finnick is the nice one in our friendship, the understandable one who can relate to other people. And if I, the bitter ironic one, likes a person, than he has to like her too.

"I just don't go with her face." Finnick tells me during lunch time.

"How do you not go with her face? Her face is perfect! Have you ever noticed how cute her nose is? Or how her eyes are brighter than-"

"Let me guess, brighter than the moon and the stars themselves?" Finnick asks ironically.

I wrinkle my nose "Precisely." I lift my eyes to the table where Katniss and the rest of the football team eat. I make eye contact with Katniss and she sends me a smile. I find myself admiring the soft features of her lips curled upwards. "And her smile is even more beautiful than the colours of the sky during a sunset."

"Someone's got a little crush." Finnick states chuckling quietly.

I am taken aback by Finnick's statement. "What?! Me, a crush? Of course not! Peeta Mellark has a stone heart! He doesn't have such ridiculous fickle emotions as a crush!" I say.

"You're being ironic." Finnick points out "You're only ironic when your trying to cover up!"

"That's not true!" I argue.

"Yes, it is!"

"Oh yes, of course! I just remembered, I am a scrawny teenager with a dark mind, so what you just said must be true!" I say sarcastic, rolling my eyes.

"See! You just did it again! You have a crush on Katniss and you want to know what she looks like withour a shirt on." Finnick accuses me.

I huff, realizing Finnick set me up. "I do not have a crush on her! I'd never! Katniss and I, we're not like that! We're like soul siblings, constantly borrowing vinnyls and revolutionary ideas from each other's minds!"

"What are you two blabbering about?" Annie asks, taking a seat at our  table beside Finnick, interrupting me. Finnick immediatly puts her arm protectively around her and kisses her cheek.

"Oh, nothing much. Just talking about Peeta's crush." Finnick tells Annie. I roll my eyes, finding it inevitable not to do so. Since Finnick and Annie started dating, they've been sharing everything they knew with each other, and I mean literally everything.How one of them ate a tunna sandwich for dinner the night before, or how the other saw someone on the street eating a tunna sandwich aswell. Basically, in our small group of friends, they are the source of all the gossips. And that fact both enfuriates and sickens me.

"Peeta! You have a crush?! Finally! About time you started taking notice on someone else besides Lady Woobleberg!" Annie says excitedly. I roll my eyes. Lady Woobleberg is Annie's beloved chihuahua, and it's not like I have anything against it, but the damn dog insists on bringing me dead animals everytime I go visit Annie. "Now, who is she? Or he. Is it a guy?" she asks.

I sigh. "I do not have a crush!" I insist. I turn towards Finnick. "And I do not want to see her without a shirt on! Because that'd be stupid, since we are soul siblings and shit!"

"What?" Annie asks, scrunching her nose.

My eyes travel to the doors that lead to the hallway, noticing the way Gale is standing there, his gazze foccused on me. When I make eye contact with him, he bobs his head towars the hallway, turns around and disappears through the mass of students walking around the school. I stand up, realizing it's Gale's signal to go meet up at our hide-out. i grab my backpack.

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