Chapter 4

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I tap my pen obnoxiously in the table, counting the seconds that are left for the class to finish. Mr. Heavensbee, our History teacher talks passionatly about the World War II and the japanese air force. One thing about Heavensbee's history classes is that they always end up with him giving a speech about how fascinating are the weapons man-kind has created, and how genius the human beings are to be able to create such destructive inventions. Heavensbee is, himself, a very visionary person, and I think one of his biggest regrets would be turning into a history teacher, instead of a politician or a military chief, or even something bigger (that only Heavensbee could himself picture).

"Dude, knock it off." Finnick, who is sat beside me, says, referring to my pen tapping. I stop, and look sternly at him, than at the clock in the front of the classroom, that hangs just above the board. I have been avoiding my friends for a while now, which is hard because we share a huge amount of classes together. Today, when I arrived the History class, I sat in the back of the classroom, instead of my usual table I shared with Finnick in the second row, and Finnick stubornly sat beside me. I didn't tell him a word, besides the 'Hei' in the beggining of the class, which was accompanied with a surly expression. "Look, we need to talk." Finnick states in a serious tone, that his unlike him.

I find myself smirking, although I've been trying not to "Are you going to break up with me?" I joke.

Finnick chuckles, trying not to bring Mr. Heavensbee's attention to us. "But seriously though, why have you been trying to avoid me and the guys?" he asks, with a stern expression. I pretend to be clueless.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, putting on an innocent expression.

"Come on, Mellark. You know exactly what I'm talking about. You're the shittiest liar in this whole world." Finnick states, half amused half serious. I sight in deffit. It's not worth keeping up with this, I am very aware of my lack of acting habbilities.

"I dunno." I mumble.

Finnick seems insatesfied with my answer, because he gives me a pointed look, insisting he should know what's up with me, since we are supposed best friends.

I just shrugg "Things have just been off lately, you know. I just feel a little lost, that's it." I say.

Finnick sights "Yeah, but why have you been avoiding me? Did I do something wrong? Did I upset you? I thought we were bros, bros don't ignore each other like that!" Finnick shrieks, getting the attetion from Mr. Heavensbee, who warns us to pay attention.

"Don't get so upset Finnick. You did nothing. I'm just needing a break." I try to explain him th best I can, not wanting to go to deep in my thoughts.

"A break from what?" Finnick insists.

"From something. I don't know." I say, getting tired of Finnick's questions that I can't answer.

Finnick seems exasperated with my behaviour, as he throws his hands up and looks at the ceiling. Than he foccuses his attetion on me, a sort of worried expression crossing his face. "You've been different, lately. I don't like it. What does it take to bring the old Peeta back?"

I break eye contact with him and look at my notebook, not answering his question. What Finnick doesn't know is that who he thought the old Peeta to  be, didn't exist, it was just a very well schemed act I didn't even know I was doing.

Finnick sights "Wanna catch up a movie, after school? Johanna said she'd get Godzilla for us." Even though Finnick's tone sounds understanding and patient, I feel as if he is warning me that, if I keep ignoring him, he'll give up on me (and that is most likely one of the worst things I'd ever endure). I'm about to say yes to his invitation but then I remember what Katniss told me today after lunch 'See you after school.', to which I nodded eaguerly and answered 'After school'.

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