Chapter 11

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Have you ever found out something that probably you shouldn't know, because it changes your point of view in everything. Something that makes you feel as if your whole life is a complete lie? Well, for some stupid reason, that's how I feel knowing that more than half of the teachers and pretty good amount of students in Lionsgates Academy are against the Principal. Sort of ridiculous? Yes, it is some sort of ridiculous that I feel that way.

For months, years even, I've been feeling like the only person in this school that realizes how stupid everything is, that doesn't seem to fit in, when, in fact, I'm not alone. Everyone is like that, they're only better at hiding it. Sometimes they're so good at hiding how much they act like puppets to the Principal (and society) that they don't even know they're hiding it themselves.

But then, all of a sudden Gale Hawthorne appears, with his super secret organization that wants to over rule Snow's 'kingdom'. A organization that is led by none other than my Universal History teacher, Plutarch Heavensbee. How is this supposed to make any sense for me? Gale, the school's hearttrob, Mr. Heavensbee, the visionary history teacher and a couple of invisible students that seem to be clever enough to realize what's around them.

"I don't think I'm following you. What is the idea in all this, after all?" I ask for probably the millionth time in the last twenty minutes.

"We've already told you, Peeta. We want to kick Snow's ass out the door and run a fair school, instead of a dictatorship where the only people that are benifited are the jocks and the most popular kids." Gale explains me, and I can see the fury in his eyes as he talks about this.

"But why are you making of this place the most well kept secret in this school?" I insist, still suspicious that this is some joke or prank.

"If Snow finds out, than he shits all this plan up. He'll figure a way to expell us, and fire the teachers that are in this. Trust me, it's better, if this wasn't a secret than we'd have no chance.

I've reached that point when I'm so frustrated by how much of a nonsense this is that I'm stages away from trashing the flower pot that is in the middle of the table. "But how do you expect to get somewhere with your idea of getting Snow out of here if you keep this a secret. You need the other student's support to go on with this, and you can't have any support if anyone has no idea this place even exists. I mean, under the auditorium's stage? Come on!"

Gale runs a hand through his hair, clearly annoyed with me and how I question every single word he says. "Do you not understand this Mellark? You can be so slow sometimes, Fuck!" he utters.

"Why don't you explain me again, but this s«time say something that makes sense!"

Gale sights, probably trying to controll his own frustration. I get that he is annoyed by me, I mean, I am small, skittish, and stubborn, I annoy myself too. "Look, peanut brain, I'm gonna say this one more time, so pay attention. We can't go on with this plan without the other student's support, and so that we can sign a petition for a changing of Principal, we need 70% of the students minium to go along with us. And most of the people don't realize how corrupt the system here is, and we can't open their eyes just like that. We need to bring their attention and make them realize everything bit by bit. Or else we don't have a chance." Gale says the words extremely slow, as if I was the dumbest person he ever talked to, perhaps I am. Well, probably not, since until last here my school average was the double of his.

Suddenley it all comes clear, it's just like the society chains! People are bound by them, but they don't realise it. Before the chains can be broken and the system overthrown, we need their attention, to open up their eyes! And maybe the Social Casualty League is just what I need to create a new society in this school.

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