Chapter 7

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The sunlight hits my face way to early in the morning, waking me up from my restless sleep. I groan and roll over so that I'm on my belly and I can shield my eyes from the sun, falling to the ground with a thud on the process.

I open my eyes, suddenley feeling confused has to where I am. I get even more desorientated when I realizy I'm lying over a hard asphalt ground.

"What?" I mumble to myself, standing up and looking around. Why did I just wake up in the parking lot of Target?

Then it dawns on me. Did last night really happen? Did Katniss and I stay dancing like people normally do when they are alone in a convenience store until the cashier threw us out? And then did Katniss really suggest for us to go to Target, a supermarket that was, by the way, closed at 3 in the morning, just because we could? For more unbelievable it sounds, yes, that's exactly what happened. Or maybe I was just dreaming everything and sleep-walking, resulting in me ending up falling asleep on top of my car in a Target's parking lot. Or, perhaps, I'm still dreaming.

All my doubts about last night disappear the moment I approach my car and see Katniss sleeping and, by the way, drooling all over the place in the backseats. I swiflty enter the car to wake up Katniss. I shake her shoulder lightly, receiving a loud snore in response.

"Katniss!" I say louder, shaking her more violently. This time she groggily opens her eyes and grumbles something I can't understand. "What?" I ask her.

Katniss doesn't answer, instead she looks around, taking in her surroundings. "What time is it?" She asks me, after probably having the same line of thoughts I just had when I woke up.

I rummage the car for my phone for a few seconds, and unlock the screen when I find it.

"Oh shit!" I utter when I realize we're already late for classes.

"What is it?" Katniss asks.

I don't answer her immediatly, since even before I realize it, I'm already starting up the car and speeding up to avoid for us to arrive even later. Maybe we can still arrive in time to don't be sent automatically to detention. The last thing I want is another extra hour of school. "We're already late."

The ride to school is a speeding mess. There's no time for either me or Katniss go home and change, and luckily Katniss has a cheerleading outfit in her locker, or she wouldn't be let in school because of the dress code. Actually, there's no garantee we'll be able to let inside the school, since neither of us is followying the rules of what's appropriate to wear. If we're lucky, maybe we'll catch the school's doorkeeper in one of his usual naps. I park the car in a rush, resulting in occupying two parking spaces, but I doubt that someone else will arrive at this hour needing a spot to park.

Katniss gets out of the car almost immediatly, and so do I and throws me my backpack, in which I luckily saved my uniform. We both run inside (we were extremely luck that Barry- the doorkeeper, is sleeping) and head to Katniss's locker.

By now we already are twenty minutes late and the hallways are completely empty. Katniss looks around to see if anyone's near, then she turns towards me. "Stay on guard. Don't let anyone see me." she says. I giver her a confused expression "And no peeking!" she adds.

I shape my mouth in a 'o' and turn around, understanding Katniss is going to change in the hallway. I wonder if there are any cameras that could see her. I spot one just above us. I give Katniss another confused glance and she answers me claiming this is a blind spot. I am stunned to find that she doesn't even wait to see if I'm not looking at her, she immediatly turns around and yanks off her t-shirt, standing only with her bra in the middle of the hallways. I immediatly cover my eyes with my hands.

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