Chapter 33

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<<<JACK'S POV>>>

I woke up next to my beautiful girl. I have a huge smile plastered on my face. She is sound asleep smiling. I chuckled, she must be having a good dream.

"Jack, behave!" Elsa laughed.

Aww, she is sleep talking! She is just so adorable! Elsa has this huge smile on her face and it's just so cute! I really want to pinch her adorable little cheeks right now! I was staring at her closed eyes. Any minute, I would see those beautiful ice blue orbs. She snuggled more towards me, which made me chuckle. Those ice blue orbs were instantly staring into my eyes.

"Were you watching me just now, Jack?" Elsa laughed yawning.

I chuckled. I pinched her cheeks, finally I was able too! This girl has to stop being so darn cute!

"You didn't answer my question," Elsa said raising a brow.

"Well you are mine, so it's not illegal." I winked.

Her cheeks went as red as a firetruck. I laughed and she hid under the blanket. I laughed at her reaction. I smirked, oh I have the best idea!

"Elsa, come out from under the covers." I said mischievously.

Elsa clung tighter to the cover and I chuckled. I threw the cover off of her and started tickling her.

"JACK, STOP!" Elsa screamed in laughter.

I stopped after a minute, Elsa was in stitches laughing away. Once Elsa had calmed down, she gave me a piercing glare.

"You love me really," I smirked.

Elsa shook her head and giggled lightly. Suddenly there was a huge bang at the front door, which made me and Elsa jump.

"W-What was that?" Elsa stuttered fearfully.

I put my finger up to my lips. I grabbed the baseball bat from under the bed. Elsa looked at the baseball bat in shock and confusion.

"Protection, babe." I whispered.

I told Elsa to stay put. I crept down the stairs and there was still banging at the front door. I opened the door and held the baseball above my head.


I put the baseball bat down at the door was Kristoff, Anna, Astrid, Hiccup, Merida and Tadashi.

"Jesus, you guys!" I said panting.

Elsa came running down the stairs and jumped into my arms. I dropped the baseball bat and hugged her tightly.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Why would you bang the door down like that?! You are aware Elsa is pregnant, right?!" I exclaimed.

Everyone then had a guilty look on their faces. I didn't mean to make them feel bad, but Elsa was having an absolute freaking panic attack upstairs!

"Sorry," They muttered guiltily.

"We heard Elsa scream..." Anna muttered.

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