Chapter 1

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<<<ELSA'S POV>>>

I wake up to feeling sick and quickly rush to the bathroom. I start with this to my day for the next eight to nine months presumably. People are going to notice sooner or later that I'm pregnant...I think I would prefer the later! I get my teeth brushed and walk into my walk-in wardrobe. I grab my black suit pants, a white top, my black blazer and my white combat boots.

"All ready for work." I sighed, heavily.

I walked down the stairs and to the kitchen, Ellen just served my plate of breakfast. I smile thankfully and eat up, I have a glass of orange juice instead of coffee. I read on the internet that I can't have caffeine it could cause a miscarriage. I may hate my rival, but this baby didn't do a thing so I'm not going to just kill it purposely or not that I would want to kill it accidentally either.

I jumped to my blue Ferrari and got to the office within five minutes. I can't stress too much either - Cindy offered some stress pill and I took them, because I go through a lot of stress in just one day.

"Miss. Moore?"

I look up. It's my secretary, Mavis Drake. I smile at her and she enters.

"Yes, Mavis. Is there a problem?" I asked.

"Your father requests to see you," She informed.

I nodded and thanked her. She smiled and walked out of my office. I prepared myself mentally and took a stress relief pill. I feel a little relieved and walked to my Dad's office and walked right on in.

"Hello, Dad. Mavis said you requested to see me?" I said.

"Yes, I have a meeting, I'm not able to attend so I was wondering...could you take this one, please?" Dad begged.

Thank God, I took those stress pills. I giggled at my Dad, Dad looked concerned and confused.

"Did I say something funny?" Dad asked confused.

"No, Dad. I will do this meeting, no worries!" I smile.

Dad sighed in relief. No worries for me, Dad walked out the office. He has a meeting with Atlantica Dresses. Dad is really good friends with the owner, Triton Sea. I'm a friend of his daughter, Ariel. Ariel is having a few problems with her love life. Eric - Ariel's lover is a rival of her father's company. She has a few problems, because she is afraid of being caught with him. Triton would go completely berserk.

Anyways, I go into the other meeting as I promised my father. I hope it's not a rival, but Dad says I am good with the rivals, so I can sort it all out in his opinion! I walked in and I got in a minute before the meeting. I have a jug of water at each end of the table with a glass for the water, I have my notepad prepared and such. This better not be the Isle Beauty Products again - I hate Hans so much that nobody believes.

My Mom also had a company to run, she combined hers with Dad's when they were married. I am an only child - I have a best friend named Anna Brown. She too is an acting CEO for her parents. She owns Springtime happiness. It's named that because her parents love Spring. I wait patiently and as soon as the meeting was about to start someone opened the door. I sit up in my polite posture.

"I'm so sorry, I am late!" The unfamiliar guy said.

"No, no! You're on time." I smiled.

"Thank Goodness! My parents would have killed me!" The guy sighed in relief.

I can't see them as they are in the shadows. I wonder, who is this guy? How is this guy a rival?! He is quite funny and sweet, I spoke too soon. The guy is none other than Jack Mason Frost...AND I CALLED HIM FUNNY AND SWEET?! Eww! Oh my God, he impregnated me and I was just all over him?!

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