Chapter 14

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<<<JACK'S POV>>>

It's now ten, Elsa should have been here an hour ago! I wonder where is she? Did she bail out? Did she and her Dad have another argument? Maybe I should go visit and see! I jumped into my car and I see someone on the ground. I stopped the car and rushed to the person's aid. I turn him over and I see a name tag Joseph.

"Sir, hang on! I'm going to call 911!" I exclaimed.

The guy coughs and shakes his head. He rubs his head and takes in his surroundings. Joseph's eyes widen in terror.

"Miss Elsa! T-They had guns!" He gasped.

I jumped back in shock and shook my head. I got him and in my car. I zoomed to Elsa's mansion and knocked the door.

"Miss Elsa!" The maid, Ellen said with glee.

Ellen's smile faded. She gasped when she saw Joseph holding his head in pain. Me and Ellen helped Joseph to the couch. We kept him calm, but I wasn't calm. Elsa is pregnant and someone has kidnapped her! My phone rang and I ignored it. It rang again and again.

"You can go to the kitchen and answer the phone," Ellen smiled.

I thanked her. I go into the kitchen and get my phone out of my pocket. It's an unknown number? What the? I answered.

"Hello?" - Jack

"Hello, Jack Frost."

"Who is this?! What do you want?!" - Jack

"Settle down, Jack. I have something...someone who is dear to you with me."

"Black industries you know where to go, so come immediately if you want to see her again! Don't call the cops either or they'll be a bullet in that child of hers!"

The phone went dead. I wonder, what on Earth was that?! Okay, that is weird! Her..? ELSA?! I ran to my car and drove to Black Industries.

"You're Jack Frost. The boss is expecting you," The guy smirked.

The creepy guy took me to huge doors. He opens them, I see Mom and Dad in the room. I see "the boss" in the big desk. Pitch Black!

"What did you do to her?!" I shouted.

Mom and Dad jumped. I was walking over to the boss, Dad pulls me back. The boss smirked.

"Bring in the other one," The boss shouted.

The creepy guy from earlier brings in...Adgar? Adgar looks infuriated, upset and shocked.

"Aren't you missing someone from your party, Adgar?" The boss sniggered.

"What did you do to my daughter?!" Adgar shouted.

I ran up to the boss and pinned him up the wall. I glared at him angrily.

"Where is she?!" I growled through gritted teeth.

He laughed at me. Dad dragged me back, Adgar looked very shocked and confused. Mom and Dad the same.

"You have feeling for her, don't you?" The boss laughed.

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