« thirteen »

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[Dedicated to exoticfinn because Cam and Gabriel and Kat and Abby and Milo and Meera and Elian and Gracie and Arian and Evelyn and all her damn awesome stories]

Fun Fact: My name's Evlyn Debora, lol.•


Netflix is finally available in my region and I have never felt more complete in my entire life. Haha. Also, I'm super sorry for the extremely late update.

I went to Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur for a week and didn't have time to check on my phone. Mango Sticky Rice is ultimate bae.



The inside of the bookstore Luke was talking about earlier felt like a scene fresh out of a movie. There were books scattered almost everywhere and there were only three or four people actually reading—the rest of them were busy taking pictures of themselves, the book they were holding, or even the floor of the library.

The atmosphere inside the library were somewhat soothing, yet at the same time the slightest creak could cause goosebumps to appear all over my arms. A strange surrounding for a peculiar place.

I wasn't an avid reader of sorts or the type of person that could read five or six books in the span of thirty days—reading was simply an activity I enjoyed but wouldn't dwell for too long. Reading gave me a serene and adventurous feeling, but if I kept going further and further away to the land of stories, it would be hard to go back to my plain, normal life without the everlasting desire to wish for something magical and impossible. Your reality would be mundane compared to your imagination and you'd do anything you can to live like the protagonist in your favorite book and it was called fiction for a reason—it's not real.

I'd much prefer to sit and observe the people around me. Sipping my tea while documenting them with my phone, or even texting Lily. I loved reading with all my heart, but my soul remain to the realistic themes of life. Tragic, Naya would say.

Luke was off on his own, looking for the book his sister wanted and left me to my own devices. A book titled, The Ocean At The End Of The Lane by Neil Gaiman was on top of the pile of books positioned at the edge of the table. I picked it up and was about to start reading when my phone vibrated, signaling that I've received a text.

Lily: no texts, no calls and no emails. went to your place and found out you went on road trip with 'lover boy' Naya said.


I immediately typed in my reply before she could start a round of spamming.

Me: It's Luke. Sorry for being MIA all of a sudden!

Read at 12:07

Lily was always the one who sent the last text. If she read it and didn't reply, it could only meant she was in the midst of calling me, or ignoring my entire existence completely.

The former happened.


"A road trip?" she cut me off. "To where exactly? We've always told each other every thing and ever since you've met this dude, you put our friendship in a strain."

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